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"Good morning, first-hour! How was your summer?" The overly excited English teacher asked her students. There were multiple groans and grunts from the crowd of teens.

"I'll take your sexual noises as an 'you had an awful summer'." The teacher mumbled to herself as she sat down in her leather chair. She began searching her cluttered desk for the daily bulletin.

"God dammit where is it?" The teacher asked furiously. Once she found it, the bell rang. The teacher looked up for the first time in a few minutes to see every desk full in her small, tidy classroom.

"Goodmorning, again." she addressed. "okay, I'm going to call attendance, say 'here' when I call your name."

"Tanner Webster?"


And so on. This continued until the very last name. It was a tongue twister-

"K-Kill-Killian Jones? Did I say that right?" The teacher asked shyly.

"Aye, mate."

Emma looked up to see a dark haired boy with bright blue eyes staring deeply at her. She felt burning in her cheeks and quickly walked back behind her desk. She looked at the time, they had 15 minutes left in class.

"For the rest of the class period you can play on your phones or talk. Killian, I need to speak with you." The class let out series of 'oo's' and 'aah's'.

"Hey! That's enough! You in the corner, I will throw your phone out the window and send you across the hall if you don't keep it quiet!" The blonde yelled. Killian was already waiting by her desk, he tapped his shoes on the tile with boredom.

"If I ever catch you making goofy eyes at me again, Jones, you'll have lunch detention. Is that understood? We are here to learn, not to flirt." She quickly nipped at the boy.

"Okay, okay! I got it, mate." He said defensively.

"It's Miss. Swan to you. Oh, and did I say your name correctly?" She said, trying to change the subject awkwardly. He nodded and she shooed him off to his desk.

"Okay, class, the bell rings in 3 minutes, but I'm going to let you out early. Have a good day, I'll see some of you in fifth-hour!" She said cheerfully. But what the students didn't know is that she was mainly glad Killian Jones was leaving her classroom.

The day went by quickly. Emma looked at her seating charts' to see what hour she had Killian again. She had missed his deep accent and his strong smell of cologne..

No, Swan! What the hell are you thinking?! You're 28 and he's like 17! That's illegal! You could lose your job!

She shrieked at herself inside her head. She casually bit the end of her glasses as the kids began to pour into the room. She looked up from the chart and glanced at where Killian would sit. She sighed and stood up,

"Okay, so please get out two sheets of paper and a pencil and label your paper "personal narrative". Tell anybody near you who comes in late the bell work." Emma quickly said. She let out another sigh and melted into her desk chair. She leaned her head back against her chair, then the bell rang. Many children groaned, along with the teacher.

"Today you will be writing an essay about an indelible moment in your life. You must fill the two sheets of paper you have out front and back. This will be due next Tuesday. Right now what I'm handing out is the requirements for the assignment. Good luck!" Once she finished passing those out she started shuffling through some papers for next hour.

"Miss. Swan?" A female voice asked. Emma looked up to see Mrs. Mills peering into her classroom.

"Hi, what can I do for you?"

"Do you have a student named Killian Jones this hour?"

Emma's face flushed white, "I believe so.. Hey, blondie! Does the desk behind you have stuff beside it?"

"No, Miss. Swan." The boy replied quietly. Emma looked at her seating chart again and had a puzzled expression.

"I'm supposed to, why?"

"Cause he was caught shoving a kid in a locker. Can I talk to you privately in the hall?" The blonde nodded and followed Mrs. Mills.

"Emma, Mary-Margaret and I are going out tonight, want to join?" She asked friendly.

"A few drinks after the first day of school, hit me up!" The blonde called out. The rest of the day flew by but Emma couldn't keep her mind off of Killian. Little did Emma know Killian was daydreaming over his English teacher

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the book!


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