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Emma plopped down on her living room couch. She had to go help a teacher at her sons school in forty-minutes. To spare some time Emma plugged her phone into the IHome and turned on her music, blasting it through their small house. Emma sat down and began reading some of the papers kids turned on.

"This is so boring! Why the hell did I think it'd be a good idea to be a teacher?" Emma said to herself. Thirty-minutes later Emma grabbed her things and walked out the door. She climbed into her yellow bug and started the engine, and pulled out of the driveway. Her son - Henry, was in fifth grade. She climbed out of her car and walked up the the school, the clicking of her heels filled the silence of the afternoon. She walked into the office and was greeted by a kind secretary.

"Hi! I'm Emma Swan, I teach at the highschool and Henry Swan's teacher asked me to come help with an English project for their class. Can I go ahead and go in?"

The lady smiled back at Emma, "Who's your son's teacher?"

"Belle French."

"Ah yes, he said something about that. Go right ahead, dear." Emma gave a kind, genuine nod and walked into the school's hallway. Emma whipped out her phone from her pocket and began scrolling through Instagram. Once she reached the classroom door, she gently knocked. A minute later Belle opened the door.

"Emma! So glad you could join us!" She said cheerfully, pulling Emma into a hug. Emma hugged back and walked to the whiteboard,

"Alright, Mrs. French, where do you want me to start?"

"Can you explain to them what a personal narrative is?" Emma gently nodded an wrote something on the board.
In neat handwriting, Emma left the board saying:

(1) Proud moments' x3

(2) Struggles in life x3

(3) Animals x2

(4) Clothing moments x2

"Okay! If you would get out a piece of paper and a pencil and title your paper 'personal narrative topics'. Once your done, began filling out what I have up here only fill it with answers, then I'll explain what this is all about." Emma could feel Belle's eyes burning on her toned skin. Emma watched her son with a smile on her face as he filled out his paper. A few minutes later the blonde piped up.

"Everybody done?" She glanced around to see all of the children nodding.

"Okay! So what you're going to do is choose one of the topics you wrote down and write a story about it. It shouldn't be too hard because my high school kids are doing the this, too." Emma said giggling to herself. The school bell rang and the children piled out of the room. Emma grabbed her kids bag and they left the school together.

"How was your day?" Emma asked, ruffling her sons hair.

"It was okay. I don't really like Mrs. French though, she's too nice." Henry whined.

"I agree with you on that, kid." Emma unlocked her yellow bug and put Henry's bag in the trunk. As they drove off Emma thought she saw Killian spray-painting the library windows'. She felt a tingling sensation run through her body.


Emma told herself as she mentally punched herself. She couldn't love Killian. But on the inside - she knew she did.
HAHAHAAHA IM SO EVIL I LEFT YOU ON A CLIFFHANGER!!! Please go read my other book! I almost have 2K on it!

Bye, bye! Lots of love!


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