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Emma couldn't wait for sixth hour. Twenty minutes until the bell rang.. Emma groaned, mentally.

"Will you all be quiet!? You have an assignment! Shut up and do your godda-"

"Miss. Swan!" A voice said sternly.
Emma whipped her head to the owner of the voice. Regina was standing in her doorway.

"We can hear you yelling, quit yelling at these poor children. And do not curse!" Regina said firmly.

"Your not my mom, and you have a class. And your job is to teach that class. So. Go. Teach." Emma challenged. Regina looked as if he were going to burst.

"Emma Hope Swan! I want a word with you in the hall, right now!" Mary Margaret yelled. Emma stopped for a moment: Wait, Mary Margaret? When the fuck did she get here?
Emma rolled her eyes, and if Emerson could she probably would, too.

"Excuse us." Mary Margaret said to the kids.
The two brunettes dragged Emma to the teachers parking lot.

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM, EMMA?! WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH A BITCH?!" Mary Margaret screamed. Emma got scared. She never spoke like this unless she was extremely pissed.

"I.. I-.." Emma stuttered. "I don't.. I.."

"Don't you fucking dare use hormones as an excuse." Mary Margaret grumbled.

"I don't know!" Emma said, finally. She burst into tears. "I'm.. I'm just scared. I'm scared of raising another baby on my own. I'm afraid Killian will leave me and.. and.. and I'm scared for when Neal gets out of jail. I'm scared he'll try to take my children from me.." Emma whispered the last part.

"Toughen up! You're twenty-eight years old." Mary Margaret said sharply.

"I got pregnant at eighteen, I almost gave Henry up for adoption because I thought I couldn't raise a child. I know for sure if I can barely manage one, how in the fucking world can I raise two?" Emma yelled. Emma was beginning to lose her mind. Killian was her sanity, and she was afraid she'd lose her sanity.

"She has a point, Mary Margaret. How can you actually tell her to toughen up? She's a strong woman. Open your goddamn eyes and notice she's trying!" Regina yelled to Mary Margaret. There was a silence. Until Mary Margaret broke it with no regret.

"To hell with both of you." She spat at them. Mary Margaret marched back to the school. Emma looked into Regina's dark eyes.

"To hell with her!" Emma said. Regina began laughing.

They began to dance around.
Emerson kicked. Emma had to grab the nearest car to hold herself up. Her side hurt all over.

"Regina, there's something wrong. It hurts." Emma groaned. Emma rested her back against the cool metal. Then she began to twist in pain.
Emma threw up onto the pavement.

"Go get someone." Emma groaned.

"No, honey! I can't just leave you like this!" Regina whined.
Emma tried to stand. Finally, once on her feet they began to hurry to the school. Emma was pale, and sweaty.

"You're only six-and-a-half months pregnant." Regina said. "You cannot be going into labor this early!"

"I'm not going into fucking labor! I think my goddamn motherfucking bitchy vagina would be hurting! Not my side!" Emma yelled in Regina's face. Regina's eyes got wide and she shook her head. Emma grit her teeth as they walked to the school.
Once inside, Emma screamed in pain. She couldn't understand why it hurt so much. She began to breathe heavily, sweat beaded itself upon her forehead, and her muscles began to ache and twitch. Teachers began to open their doors. Students stood in the hall.

"Somebody call nine-one-one!" Regina yelled at the students, and teachers. A few minutes later, the ear-splitting sound of sirens came barreling closer to the school. Some of the paramedics came running through the halls with a stretcher.

"Help me get her on it!" One man yelled. After Emma was strapped on carefully, they began to rush her back to the ambulance. Regina ran after them, but it was hard to in six-inch stilettos.

"Let me come with you, I can tell you what happened!" Regina pleaded. Two workers nodded and helped her into the back.
They slammed the doors and began working on Emma. A woman pulled, actually, it was more of a scooted, Regina to the side.

"So what did happen?" The lady asked.

"She's in a very bad state. To start off she has a small tumor in her right ovary, had an STD, and is currently almost seven months pregnant." The lady wrote something down on a whiteboard.

"Continue." The lady spoke calmly.

"There was a big argument in the hallway, and then we had taken it to the teachers parking lot. Our friend Mary Margaret was screaming at Emma and then stormed inside. We started yelling things like 'ding dong the bitch is gone!' and then Emma said her side started hurting after the baby kicked. She was leaning against this car and then threw up everywhere."

"Okay.. Than-" the lady was cut off by the paramedics.

"We have a 176, heart beat dropping, lung failure, get me a breathing pump!" He yelled.

Was Emma dying? Regina thought to herself.

"Breathe, Emma!" Regina yelled. Regina began to tear up. Her friend was being rushed to the hospital, heart and lung failure, and ovarian cancer. Emma had come so far for a twenty-eight, pregnant mother, raising another child, just got out of abusive relationship not even a year ago, and illegally dating her student.
Back at the school, Killian began to get a migraine. He was worried about his lover. The bell rang in two minutes. Two minutes before he could go to the hospital. Killian finished his science test and began to run out the door as the bell rang. 2:30 pm. Emma had been gone since 12:57ish.
Killian raced to the teachers parking lot and unlocked Emma's car. He stole her extra car key. He turned the car on and sped to the hospital.

Ten minutes later he was running through the hospital doors to the waiting room.

"Emma Swan! I need to see Emma Swan!" He yelled.

"Killian.. I have something to tell you.." Regina spoke softly from the other side of the waiting room.

"Bloody hell! No!" Killian yelled. He dropped down on his knees as sobs controlled him.
longest chapter I've ever wrote.. Whoop whoop! Sorry if there is a medical error I don't really know how that stuff works so I just winged it!

-LeAnna & fiftyshadesofregal

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