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A/N: If you watch the video, please note that P!NK talks for a minute before singing. Thanks! Enjoy!

As Emma walked outside to retrieve the mail, she found that it was colder than she thought. Emma gasped and ran to the mailbox, then back to the house.

"Shit it's cold! Henry, grab your thicker jacket!" Emma called from then living room. Emma ran to her room and slipped on a cream colored sweater. She left her hair down and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying and she had dark circles under her eyes. Emma shook her whole body and walked outside where Henry was waiting for her by the car.

"Ready, momma?" Henry asked.

"Yes, baby." Emma said. A small smile creeped onto her face. Emma and Henry climbed into the car and drove to Henry's school.

"Don't tell anybody that you saw mommy crying this morning okay? If Tate asks about your father again tell him it's none of his business. Got it?" Emma ordered. Henry nodded. Tate was Henry's friend, but a nosy friend he was. Emma smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Have a good day! Oh, Henry?" Henry turned as he was getting out of the car.
Emma stopped herself from what she was going to say.

"Nevermind, love you!" Emma told her son. Henry smiled and ran to catch up with his friends.

As Emma pulled into the parking lot she couldn't help but let her shoulders droop. She sighed, climbing out of her car and walking towards the school. She quickly walked towards her classroom once she was inside the building and unlocked it. She had a small envelope on her desk. She pushed it aside and began organizing all of her stuff.
She picked up the days assignment and went to the library to make copies. As she approached a whole bunch of teachers came barreling out of the library with smiles on their faces.

"Surprise, Emma!" They all yelled. Emma looked bewildered and confused.

"What's all this for?" She asked.
Mary Margaret and Regina came and grabbed her arms, dragging her into the library.

"This is for your 4 year anniversary of becoming a teacher!" Regina said. Mary Margaret smiled as the librarian - Mrs. Hopper came out from her office and gave her a box of red velvet cupcakes and a pint of Rocky Road ice cream.

"Seriously? It's not that big of a deal." Emma said, she wasn't amused.
One of the older teachers piped up.

"We get your upset about your ex but you need to get over him!" She said harshly. Emma's jaw dropped.

"Screw all of you! Including you two! You both are dirty little backstabbing hoes! You knew I wouldn't appreciate it if you told anybody about what Neal said to me! None of you understand what I'm going through!" Emma yelled. She threw her papers and cupcake at Regina and Mary Margaret. Emma ran out of the library furiously, although she was more broken on the inside then she was pissed. She reached her classroom and grabbed her things, she stuffed the envelope in her pocket and locked her classroom behind her. She made her way to the office.

"Tell Mr. Gold I'm taking a personal today. And also tell him that all of these teachers here are careless and don't give a flying flip about their co-workers!" Emma threw that last part out there and stormed outside. She was done with everybody screwing her over. If Neal threatened her two person family, so be it. She didn't give a shit. Emma was ready to stand up straight. Emma was ready to face her biggest fear. Emma was ready to face Neal.
Sorry it's short! I'll update by Sunday. Thanks loves! Go read my other book!


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