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*Warning: extreme CaptainSwan!*

They sat in the heated car, gazing at the moon from the sun roof. The wind kissed Emma's cheeks, and tugged at her hair. Emma climbed down and into the car.

"Thank you for such a wonderful night, Killian." Emma said, but added a touch of flirt.

"Aye, lass, I'll see you around." Killian flirted back. He winked at her as she began to open her door. Killian quickly grabbed Emma's arm and pulled her back into his car.

"Killian, what th-" but Killian cut her off with a deep kiss. Emma kissed back. Killian's hands became tangled in Emma's golden locks. Their tongues fought for dominance. Killian bit her lip softly, but hard enough to earn a soft moan from Emma. Killian's hands began to travel around Emma's back. Emma tried to pull away, for she was not ready for this.

"K-Killian.." She mumbled onto his lips. Killian grumbled something back.
They finally broke apart to breathe. Panting, Killian cupped Emma's left cheek.

"See you around, Swan." He smiled at her as Emma quickly climbed out of the car. The wind had slowed a little, but was still strong. Emma's hair was flying gloriously in the wind, and Killian couldn't help but be turned on. Emma unlocked the door, closing it behind her. She went to her bedroom forgetting that Regina and Mary Margaret were watching Henry for her. Emma's heels clicked on the wooden floors. Opening Henry's door; she found he had fallen asleep watching The Lego Movie. Emma smiled at the sight. She turned off the TV and kissed her son's forehead before heading to her room.

"How'd it go?" Emma was taken by surprise at the sudden voice and gasped.

"Jesus! I forgot you guys were here!" Emma said startled. "how was Henry?"

"He was awesome." Regina said. Emma walked over to the two sitting on Emma's queen size bed. She jumped on the bed and landed on her back. Regina began to play with Emma's hair.

"We saw the kiss from the window." Mary Margaret said while giggling like a school girl. Emma started to laugh with her. Then, she realized that what she had done was illegal.

"Holy shit! You can't tell anybody!" Emma said.

"My lips are sealed." Mary Margaret said.

"Even a mute can draw a picture." Emma said. Regina let out a hearty laugh.

"Okay, at least let me tell David?" Mary Margaret pleaded.

"Oh hell no! He'll beat my ass!" Emma said.

"Well, I should get going." Regina said with a loud huff.

"You guys can stay the night if you want." Emma offered.

"Sounds fun!" Mary Margaret squealed.

"Sounds like we're a bunch of twelve-year-olds." Regina grumbled.

A couple hours later the three woman had fallen asleep sprawled out on Emma's bed. Emma fell asleep thinking about Killian.

And Killian fell asleep thinking about Emma, and the kiss.
Awe! I'm having so much fun writing this! Sorry it took me so long to update :(



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