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*2 months later*

Tuesday morning Emma woke up with a pounding headache. She climbed out of bed and walked into the kitchen.

"Henry, wake up!" She called whilst grabbing the bottle of ibuprofen and aspirin. She downed a few pills and began looking for breakfast.

"Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit." Emma sang to herself quietly, "and dammit."

"We out of food again? You're singing your song of frustration." Henry asked.

"We are food-less." Emma groaned. "Okay.. Go get dressed and I'll go pick up some cereal or something for us."

"Mom, is there something wrong with you?" Henry asked. His voice full of concern.

"No, why?" Emma responded.

"You never eat cereal. You said you hated cereal." Henry said. He began to grow worried for his mother.

"Um.. You know, why don't you go get ready? I can go pick up something from Granny's." Emma offered.
Henry nodded and ran off into his bedroom. Walking down the hallway, Emma felt her headache come back, and a wave of nausea wash over her. Emma ran to her bathroom and threw up into the toilet. After about five minutes of puking her guts out, Emma finally stood up to get dressed.

"Well, that was weird." She said to herself.

She grabbed blue skinny jeans, brown combat boots, a black sweater, and of course her red leather jacket.

"Henry, I'll be back in ten minutes!" Emma yelled as she walked out the door to her bug. Emma turned on the radio as soon as the engine buzzed to life.
She drove extremely quick know if she wasn't at work on time again that her job would be in jeopardy.
Emma's car bounced up to Granny's. As she pulled up she didn't bother to turn the car off and ran inside.

"Ruby? I need two sausage egg biscuits, and two hot cocoa's with cinnamon to go." Emma told her friend at the counter.

"Okay!" Ruby piped and jogged to the cooking area. Emma sat down on the bar stool and began playing Angry Birds on her phone. Three minutes later Ruby came out with her order. Emma payed and left. On her way home she stopped by the store and picked out a box of Cocoa Pebbles. Once home, she had a good half hour before her and Henry had to leave.

"Henry, breakfast!" Emma called as she dumped the food onto the counter.
When Henry came into the room he was dressed in his school uniform, and Emma had already eaten her sausage biscuit. She was chugging her cocoa and started making herself a bowl of cereal.

"You must be hungry." Henry said.

"Maybe just a little." Emma said. She shoved in a spoonful of cocoa pebbles as Henry calmly ate.

"Oh, shit! We need to leave!" Emma said. She grabbed her purse and threw her bowl in the sink.

"Get your stuff and let's go!" Emma said as she ran out the door.
When they arrived at Henry's school Emma leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Have a good day, love you!" Emma called after her son.

"Love you, too!" He yelled back.
Emma eventually pulled up to work. She turned off the engine and waltzed into the building.

So far Emma's day had been good. She hadn't had another wave of nausea all day. At the end of fifth hour Emma stopped Killian.

"I need you to come here after the final bell rings." Emma ordered.

"Yes, malady." He said and winked.

Emma's last two hours went fine. Until the last twenty minutes of class.

"Excuse me for a moment." Emma said and left the class. She knocked on Mrs. Mills door.

"Watch my class for me, please? It'll be a few minutes." Emma didn't wait for an answer and ran towards the teachers restroom. Once inside, she began puking again into the toilet.

"Dammit.." Emma groaned. After it was all over, she marched back to class. She shooed Mrs. Mills away and went back to grading papers. Ten minutes later the bell rang.

"You all are dismissed, have a wonderful evening!" Emma called after the kids.
Killian poked his head into the classroom.

"Shut the door behind you." Emma said without looking up.

"Love, what's the matter? You look pale." Killian asked. Emma looked up into his blue eyes.

"During my free class period I used a pregnancy test."

"So, what were the results?"

"Killian, I'm pregnant."
Awe! Such a sweet chapter! Okay! So, now is the time to start thinking of baby names! If you have any suggestions comment them below. I'm not telling you what the gender is so fill the comments with boy and girl names.


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