Chapter 4

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Emily POV

The rest of the team had gone home after we received the news that JJ was alive, and since we couldn't see her until tomorrow they didn't really have a reason to stay. But I felt responsible for this. I could've prevented this, I could've saved her. I almost lost her and it wasn't until that moment, when time stopped, like ice freezing over a cold pond, when you feel cold, rigid shivers run down to your core and you're not yourself. That's what it felt like to hold her lifeless, unconscious body in my arms. I couldn't leave her here all alone.

I had attempted to call Will several times but he never answered, which frustrated me. Even though this was all his fault, the least he could do was show up. It was still only noon so I didn't have to worry about Henry until three, and if Will would answer his damn phone, Henry wouldn't have to stay after and go to daycare for two hours.

From where I was sitting in the large, empty waiting room I could see JJ's hands and some of her chest. But not her face. Her wrist probably had several stitches, but I couldn't see because it was bandaged up. I was extremely surprised she lived. With the extent of her cut and how much blood she lost right away and all. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I pulled it out expecting it to be Will, but it wasn't. I didn't recognize the number, but I answered anyways.

"SSA Emily Prentiss," I answered sternly.

"Hi, this is Henry's school calling, there's been an accident," the woman said.

"Oh my gosh, is Henry okay?" I spoke loudly, standing up from my chair.

"Nothing major, just a cut on his chin but I'm afraid he'll need some stitches. He was trying to jump from one of the swings but gravity got the best of him I guess. Jennifer and Will weren't answering their phones and you're his emergency contact."

"Yes, I'll come pick him up right away, I'll be there in 20 minutes."

I hung up the phone, sliding it back into my front right pocket. I walked over to JJ's room peering through the glass doors that separated us. She was still asleep.


I've woken up at least twice in the past hour or so, at least I think that's how much time has gone by. I'm not sure where I am, every time I open my eyes it's a blinding white light, and my left forearm is in excruciating pain. So I just fall back asleep. I just remembered seeing Emily, but I couldn't remember if that was reality or a dream. I didn't know the difference anymore.

Emily POV

I got to Henry's school, walked in the office and saw him sitting in a chair. He was holding up a thick gauze pad to his chin, and I could see the blood slowly starting to seep through. This brought an image to my mind; the white towel wrapped around JJ's arm, and the dark red blood quickly running onto the floor. I shook it off and walked over to him.

"So I hear you tried to fly, looks like that didn't work too well did it?" I said with a smile.

"I guess not," he replied.

"Well, let's take you to the doctor and get you all stitched up okay?"

"Okay," he took my hand.

I signed him out of school, and walked him to my car. I let him sit in shotgun because it cheered him up a little bit.

"Where's my mommy?" Henry asked concerned.

"She's at the doctor too, maybe we can go see her, yeah?" I told him.

"Ya," he grinned.

Will POV

Emily had called me 4 times in the past hour. I felt anxiety and fear rise up to my throat as I dialed her number once I got back to the station. She answered immediately.

"Emily, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Just come to the hospital, I'll send you the address, Henry is getting some stitches because he battled, and lost a fight with gravity. Nothing that serious. I honestly don't think he'll need more than two stitches. But there's something more serious going on with your Jennifer. I'll fill you in later," she explained worry in her voice.

"Okay, I'm coming as fast as I can."

Emily POV

I took Henry to the emergency room, and the doctors were waiting for the numbing shots to kick in so the stitches wouldn't hurt as bad. I saw Will walk in and I waved him over. He greeted his son with a bright smile.

"Hey champ, looks like you got into a fight," Will joked. "You know what we say?"

"If you think I look bad, you should see the other guy," Henry giggled.

I was still very mad at Will because of what he had been doing to JJ, but I couldn't help but admire how good he was with kids. He could always make Henry smile.

The doctor came in.

"Alright bud, let's get you fixed up! This shouldn't hurt, but if it does just let me know okay?"

Henry looked scared at the sight of the needles and equipment in the room. Will sat next to him, squeezing his hands.

"Just try not to think about it okay?" Will reassured Henry.

They both exhaled deeply and I walked out into the waiting room so I could watch JJ.


Henry got 2 stitches, and a superhero bandaid, and Will was taking him back to school so he could show all his friends.

I was sitting by JJ's side, even though I wasn't supposed to see her until she woke up, I didn't care. I clutched her hand tightly. Watching her chest rise and fall rhythmically was relaxing to me. She was alive.

"You're alive," I reminded myself out loud. I felt a smile creep onto my lips. "She's alive!" I exclaimed. I laughed to myself holding her hand close to my face, kissing the back of her hand. "JJ, I know you can't hear me, because you're asleep, but I need to say this. I don't know how I could live without you, my best friend. My other half. You mean the world to me so please, please wake up and say it back, tell me you love me." I let the words out. "Please..." I whispered.

"I love you too Emily," she whispered.

I didn't realize she was awake. I snapped my head up to meet her eyes. Her sad, tired eyes. I let out a sigh of relief. Her right hand, the one in mine, squeezed back tightly.

"Where's Will?" She asked me.

"Don't worry about that asshole right now," I told her.

"So now I'm the asshole?" A third voice said. Will.

He walked in, putting his hand on her leg, moving it up as he walked until he reached her upper thigh. She squirmed away from his hand before he touched her there.

"That's enough Will," I warned him.

"Shut up, she's my wife," he smirked back at me.

I was shocked. One second he was all kind and funny with Henry, but now he was being aggressive and rude.

"If you really cared about her, you wouldn't do this!" I yelled at him pulling down the collar of JJ's hospital gown, exposing the aged bruises along her collarbone.

I felt her wince when I did this and I looked at her with the I'm so sorry look.

"Whatever, I'm done with you bitch," he yelled at her, fiercely.

"Screw you Will!" JJ shrieked.

He walked out, throwing his fists the empty space in front of him. JJ rolled over onto her left side, and began to cry. I sat down on her bed behind her, rubbing her back.

"Emily, I can't do this anymore, I can't!"

"Yes you can. And god damnit, Jennifer Jareau you will."

I slid off my shoes, and swung my legs on the bed, positioning myself next to her, our legs touching. Pulling up the thin blanket up and over her waist, to her chest. I rested my hand next to hers and stroked her thumb softly. She gently pushed herself closer to me, and I used my free hand to brush her long blonde hair out of her face, and behind her ear.

"It's okay, you're okay."

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