Chapter 29

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Emily POV

"What did you say?" She asked in shock, her eyes becoming wider as she released her grip on my hand she held in her own.

"I said, marry me. Marry me Jennifer Jareau."

"Emily, I... I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything, just think about it okay?"

"Think about what exactly?"

"Think about our wedding day, and our honeymoon, and all the moments after that. Anniversaries, dinner dates, a family." I elaborated, trying to prove to her how much I wanted this.

"Emily, I-" She stopped suddenly.

I lingered in the silence for awhile, just looking at her thinking 'this could be my future wife' while watching her think.

"You're serious?" She questioned me, still thinking.

"Of course."


She laughed, and placed her free hand that wasn't propping her up on my cheek, framing my face. She leaned in to kiss me gently, and as she pulled away I could feel her smile. Our foreheads rested together still, our noses barely touching, eyes closed.


"So, how are we doing this? Ya know, the whole getting married thing?" I asked her.

"I've always wanted a big wedding, ya know, with all of our family and friends," Emily responded.

"Ooh, do we want an outdoor or indoor wedding?"

"Definitely outdoor if it's in the summer or the spring."

"What do we do about Will? Do you think he'll be mad?" I asked.

"Maybe, but I feel like he'll be mad no matter how we handle this situation with him."

"I guess you're right," I sighed. "I think maybe we can hold off on telling him until I put a ring on your finger."

I held up my left hand, flashing my fingers in front of Emily.

She took a hold of it, and kissed the back of my hand.

"Let's go get some rings." She suggested.

"Now? Like, today?"

"Sure, why not? Unless you have any objections."

"I mean, you did propose to me, so maybe you should be putting a ring on my finger." I laughed at her.

"Wanna see my favorite finger?" She asked me.

She jokingly stuck up my middle finger at me and I closed my hand over her fist, chuckling.

"Let's go get some rings." She agreed.


We had gone to a jewelry shop downtown, not one that was too expensive, but it had one of the best reputations. I had picked out a ring for Emily that was simplistic, but also stunning, however I was afraid she wouldn't like it. I heard her walk up behind me, and when I turned around to face her she held up a ring. It was almost the same as the one I picked out, but the band was a bit thicker and it had a few more decorative details. I almost teared up at the sight of it. It was perfect.

"I would show you mine, but I'm gonna make it a surprise." I smiled at her.

"Sounds quite alright to me."

She kissed me quickly on the forehead, and put her hand on the small of my back as we went to purchase them and take them home where I planned to give her the proposal she deserved.

When we arrived home, I specifically instructed her to stay in either the bedroom or the living room so I could make her a nice dinner. She promptly agreed, and she placed her soft, velvet jewelry box next to mine on the kitchen counter.

It didn't take me long to cook our dinner, but now I needed the proper set-up. I knew I planned to use the actual kitchen table at her apartment instead of just eating at the counter like we usually did, but I didn't know where I could find a tablecloth. I knew Emily couldn't possibly care less about the little details but it was important to me. I improvised by using a top sheet from her linen closet, and took flowers from the front entrance of her building for a centerpiece. She had gone to the bedroom before I started setting the table, so now I could do so without having to try and do it discreetly. I was grateful for this, because now I could make it as perfect as possible.

After everything was set up, I placed our rings still in their boxes on the table and went to get Emily.

She was laying down watching TV, and the second I entered the room she turned to smile at me.

"Am I allowed to roam my apartment freely now?" She joked.

"Hmm, I suppose."

I grabbed her hand, and guided her out into the kitchen, and pulled out her chair for her, letting her sit down before I let go of her hand.

I walked around to the other side of the table, and grabbed my ring. I stood beside her, and got down on one knee.

"Emily Prentiss, will you marry me?"

The brightest smile I've ever seen spread across her lips, and she nodded her head. She cupped her hands over her mouth, and stood up with me so we were almost equal in height. She removed her hands from her face, and I took her left hand in mine, and slipped the ring on her ring finger.

"Jayje," She paused. "It's so beautiful."

"Only the best for my fiancé." I told her.

She grabbed her ring off the table, opened the box, and put the ring on my left ring finger, the same as I did her.

"Here's conformation that what I said last night wasn't just crazy talk." She told me.

We looked up at each other, and she held my face in her hands like she had done so many times before, except this time I could feel the cold press of silver against my cheek. I leaned in to kiss her softly on the lips, and then hugged her tightly.

"Can we please eat before I start crying?" She whispered into my ear as we remained held together.

I pulled away, "Of course love."

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