Chapter 6

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Emily POV

JJ and I had looked through the majority of the pictures on my phone by the time she was ready to go to bed.

"If you want to go home tonight you can. You do realize you have been wearing the same shorts and t-shirt for at least 2 days now, right?" She pointed out.

"Okay, I'll go home. But I can't guarantee I'll stay there." I laughed, standing up from the bed.

"Just make sure to come back tomorrow morning, I don't want them to have to call Will to drive me home." She said nervously.

"Don't worry, I won't forget you."

I grabbed my purse, and walked over to JJ to say goodbye. She hugged me, something I hadn't expected. As she held me in her arms, something in my mind clicked. I realized that JJ was more than just a friend.

I pulled away, waved goodbye, and walked out of her room.

As I approached the parking lot, I felt my phone buzzing. I grabbed it out of my purse, looking at my messages. It was from JJ. I laughed reading it, her telling me she missed me already. I texted her back, telling her I missed her too, but what I saw when I looked up made my heart skip a beat.

Will was leaning up against my car, staring at the ground. He didn't see me yet, I could just turn around and go back inside. But I didn't. I walked up to my car, and he looked up, shifting his weight.

"Look, it's Jennifer's little girlfriend." Will smirked.

"I'm not her girlfriend. She's married to you, and she seems to be very straight." I stuttered, my voice cracking.

"Is that why you two looked so cozy together the other night? Oh let me guess... It's just a girl thing."

"What do you want?" I sighed.

"I want her out of my life!" He yelled back at me.

"Then divorce her, it's not that hard! Trust me, she wants it too!"

"Okay then I will. But what about Henry?" He asked menacingly, slowly walking up to me.

"Shared custody. One week with you, one week with JJ."

"That's not good enough for me. Besides, I don't think it's good for Henry to be around that crazy bitch. She tried to kill herself, what if she tries to hurt him too?"

"She wouldn't! You wouldn't!" I said in shock.

"Watch me." He walked away.

I stumbled into my car, still shaking.

What had I gotten myself into?


I walked into my bedroom, flopping down on my bed. I peered into the bathroom, at a sickening sight.

There was still a decent amount of blood on the floor, and the towels were still laying there.

I sat up, and on my way to the bathroom grabbed the cleaning supplies. The blood was easy to wipe up off of the tile floor, but as for the carpet, not so much. I wasn't going to even bother washing the towels, so I threw those away along with the carpet.

Again, I laid back down not even bothering to change my clothes. My mind took over, ideas of JJ and I flooded my thoughts. Her soft hands, and her warm embrace. Imagining her soft touch against my hands. I began to wonder what it would feel like to hold her at night, her small frame pressed against mine, sealing the air between our lips, sent shivers down my spine.

I drifted off to sleep, images of her and I flashing in my vision.



I woke up the next morning, alone in my room. There was light shining through my window, telling me it was now daytime. I propped myself up on my elbows, beginning to feel the ache in my left arm again. I hissed in pain, leaning over on my right side so I wouldn't put any pressure on my left arm.

My eyes wandered out to the waiting room, which was almost empty except for two older men. I looked over the reception desk, and I smiled at the sight. It was Emily, wearing her classic outfit; blue jeans and a plain colored shirt. Standing just behind her, was a very excited Henry.

They both walked over to my room, and as soon an Henry saw me he broke free from Em's grasp, and ran over to my room.

"Henry!" I squealed.

He jumped up into my lap, hugging me tightly. Emily followed behind him.

"I picked him up from school for a little field trip." Emily said.

"Thank you." I mouthed at her, trying hard not to cry.

"Mommy missed you so much!" I beamed at Henry, holding him tightly in my arms.

He pulled back, and sat gently by my side, holding my hand.

Emily was now sitting in one of the chairs, on her phone.

"Here, let's get a picture of you two!" She beamed.

I pulled Henry towards me, spreading a huge smile across my face. I saw the flash, and the smile was immediately wiped from my once happy face.

"Aw, you guys are too cute!" Emily laughed. "Here, look."

I grabbed her phone, admiring the photo.

Henry laughed, "Look at my hair!"

"Yeah, we need to get you a haircut one of these days!" I joked, tousling his thin hair.

"Well, the doctor said you can leave anytime today." She stated.

"Then let's get out of here! I sighed.

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