Chapter 8

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Emily POV

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." I sighed.

"Em, I don't know if I can do this..."

"What are you saying? You don't feel the same way?" I frowned.

"No, I do. But it's a new feeling, and I've only ever dated guys before, this is kinda scary for me, and I definitely don't think this will help the whole situation with Will. He already hates me, and coming out as bisexual, or a lesbian..." She paused, thinking. "Whatever I am, will only aggravate and confuse him."

"But how are we supposed to be together if no one knows about us?"

"I'm not saying we have to hide this forever. Just until this catastrophe with Will blows over, and until we obviously figure out where we both stand in this relationship." She aimed her eyes downwards.

"Oh, okay," I accepted. "So, what is going on with you and Will anyways? Like, what's happening now?"

"He's just mad, and he said he is getting the divorce papers as we speak. Which, to me, seems a little bit soon. I just don't know what point he has to make." She ranted.

"I should probably tell you something then..." I prepared myself. "When I left the hospital that one time, Will confronted me in the parking lot."

"Ugh," she grunted. "What the hell did he say to you?"

"I can't remember his exact words, but he called me your girlfriend and threatened to take Henry for himself."

"Why didn't you tell me this?!"

"I couldn't, you were too vulnerable. Plus I didn't think he was all that serious, he seemed drunk."

She breathed in and out deeply in attempt to calm herself. She laid flat on her back, and looked over at me longingly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

"Kiss me again. Please."

I smiled, leaning over her, kissing her softly. She wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me back. I could feel her smile when she pulled away from me to take a breath.

"Yeah, you're definitely a better kisser than Will." She mustered a laugh.

I also laid on my back, right next to her. She reached out for my hand, locking our fingers together.

"We'll get through this together. I promise."

"Thank you." JJ said.

"For what? Being the best best friend in the whole world?"

"Yeah that, but mostly for putting up with me I guess. Most other people would've ran as fast as they could once they realized they're friend is mental." She admitted, and it broke my heart that she thought that.

"You know I would never just leave. Right?" I hoped.

"You might once Will gets a hold of you." Her tone of voice growing more serious.

"What do you mean?"

"He sometimes gets physical I guess..." As if it was instinct, she placed her hand over her wrist.

I did the same, putting my hand on top of hers.

"I'm not gonna run, I'm not gonna hide, I'll stay right here."

"Okay." She was at ease now.

She curled up next to me, putting her head on my shoulder, laying on her side. I didn't care that I couldn't feel my arm after awhile, as long as she was calm.


I didn't expect that, not from Emily. I didn't think she would kiss me, ever. But she made me happy, and for some reason she was the only person who could do that at this point.

I was just sick of Will taking control of my life. He wasn't even fun to be around anymore, but he was my husband and the father of our child. But that's all he's been for quite awhile now.

"Emily, do you think Will is really gonna take Henry all for himself?"

"Well, he seemed pretty serious about it when he talked to me, but he also looked drunk. But I don't think he would do that to Henry, you know? He obviously cares about him a lot, and if he's just doing it to get back at you then it's definitely not going to work." She advised me.

"How come whenever you say something, you sound smart, and it makes sense?"

"I have my ways." She laughed.

We heard a knock at the door, and Emily got up to answer it leaving me in her room.

"It's probably just Spence, or Penelope coming to check up on you, I told them you were staying with me." She reassured me before she opened the door.

I couldn't hear the other person's voice well enough to know who they were, but it definitely wasn't a conversation between a team member. It was more serious, and straightforward.

I heard Emily guiding the unknown character back to me, and I began to panic.

When I saw Will's face I wanted to cry, but I stayed strong. Without opening his mouth a single time, he handed me a stack of papers, nodded, and walked out.

Emily followed behind him, closing, and locking the front door.

"Is he okay? He seemed really... Depressed." Emily pointed out.

I was speechless. I slapped my hand over my mouth in shock, letting out a large cry. I almost dropped the stack of papers, but Emily took them from me, as I fell into her arms. I couldn't move, and my arms remained closed over my chest when she held me tighter.

"This is happening too fast. Emily, I'm scared." I sobbed.

"What, why are you scared?"

"I'm scared I'm going to hurt myself again." I spit out.

She gently moved us closer to the bed, so we could sit down.

She rolled up my sleeve, and stared at the bandage covering my cut. She gently ran her index finger over it, tracing the line of stitches through the thin piece of cotton on my wrist.

"This... This will never happen again. I will not lose you. Henry will not lose you. Your parents will not lose you. Our team will not lose you. You will not lose yourself. Okay? You are so strong, I understand you're going through a lot but if you try to leave us again I won't get over it. I won't get over it, and I don't think anyone ever will. You are too important to all of us to just disappear."

All I could do was cry, but it wasn't all tears of sadness. This was one of the first times someone has genuinely cared, and loved me truly, and whole-heartedly. I leaned into her, resting my head on her shoulder as she hugged me, rubbing my back, securing me with her love.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too."

A/N - I'm so sorry I haven't updated in at least a month, school just got kinda overwhelming but I'll try to write more often now. Thank you so much for 700+ views, and 60 votes!

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