Chapter 16

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Today is the day I'm finally able to go back to work, and even though I'm not allowed in the field yet I'm beyond happy that I can finally see the team again.

"Emily have you figured out what you're gonna say when we tell the team?" I asked.

"I think once everyone's together I'll just say we have an announcement and then spit it out. Penelope and Spencer already know so it won't be as hard. Unless you wanna do the talking."

"Really? You think I could do that?" I questioned her.

"Of course, besides everyone's gonna wanna hear from you, you're making your grand return." She laughed.

"True, but what is Hotch gonna think?" I wondered.

"Well, I'm pretty sure he won't have a problem with us being in a relationship, like the fact that we're both women, but I know he's gonna be worried about professionalism. As for Strauss, I'm not entirely sure."

"I mean, she can't make us to break up right?"

"No... But she can make us leave the bureau," Emily said. "But we'll take this one step at a time. We can do this."

She took hold of my hand, squeezing it reassuringly as she smiled at me.

I leaned in to give her a hug, and just like every other time she'd held me in her arms she gently rubbed my back and tucked her head into the crook of my neck.

She pulled away and said, "We should probably get going."

"Alright, let's do this."

Emily POV

I walked into the bull pen with JJ, and as soon as we entered the room everyone's faces lit up with smiles. I knew some other people had heard about what happened with JJ but I didn't think this many people would care so much about her, especially since a lot of them didn't know her personally and it warmed my heart.

I looked over at her and saw she had directed her attention towards Hotch's office, and as I looked up there I saw him smiling down at us as well.

We both walked over to our desks, and JJ's was covered in case files. She looked so overwhelmed.

I walked over to grab some and offered to help but before she got the chance to respond Hotch raised his voice above all of us telling us to meet in the briefing room. I got butterflies in my stomach, because I knew that now was our chance to tell the team about us.

I looked at JJ and I was met with eyes full of both fear and determination. I nodded my head and smiled at her as we walked up there.

We were the last ones in the room, and as soon as we walked in all the heads turned and the room filled up with happiness as everyone jumped up to greet JJ with a hug.

Everyone eventually settled down but we remained standing.

"Um, I have an announcement for you guys." JJ spoke nervously.

All the attention was again turned towards her.

"As you're all aware, things with Will and I have pretty much come to an end, and within that time I found someone who uh-" She paused. "I know it's soon, but I found someone who was able to help me through this incredibly difficult time, and not only have they been there for me since we've known each other, I now have the pleasure of being able to say I'm also in a relationship with them."

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