Chapter 12

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Emily POV

When JJ and I arrived back at my apartment we both headed for the couch in the living room, it being the closest thing that would fit both of us on it. I sat down, kicking off my shoes and watching her do the same.

She placed herself in front of me, and I stood up, placing my hands on her waist, gripping tightly. I pulled her closer to me, eventually knocking us both back onto the couch. She let me crawl on top of her, and I spread my legs over her hips. I clasped our hands together as I looked into her eyes and they were begging me to keep going.

I leaned over her face, kissing her softly on the lips, slowly moving down towards her collar bone. As I began kissing every inch of her exposed skin, I slid my hands up her shirt, feeling her toned stomach and the lace of her bra. She sat up, allowing me to take off her shirt, and I did the same. She pulled my face back towards hers, sealing the air between us, and I soon felt her tongue pushing against mine.

I shifted myself backwards so I could begin to work on the belt holding up her jeans. I pulled it off, and began unzipping and tugging off her jeans, exposing her black undergarment.
I dipped my fingers below the waistband of her underwear, and she suddenly gripped my wrist, pulling my hand away from her body.

"No, stop! Em, I can't!" She yelled frantically, scrambling to get out from under me.

I separated myself from her and grabbed my shirt from the floor, holding it up to my chest. She began to cry, so I handed her her shirt and sat beside her. I allowed her to slip it back over her head, and I placed my arm around her back, rubbing gently.

"Jayje, what's wrong?"

"It's not that I don't want you, I want you, I... I love you. It's just that the last person to touch me like that was Will."

"Babe, it's okay," I soothed her. "You're safe with me. I won't hurt you."

I pulled the blanket off the back of the couch, and draped it around the two of us. I felt her head resting on my shoulder and I felt the warm tears streaming off of her cheek. I just held her, making sure she knew she was safe.

"How about we take this to the bedroom?" I laughed.

"Let's." She agreed.

She took my hand and we walked together to my room. On instinct both of us took off the jeans we were
wearing, crawled into our sides of the bed, and I gathered her in my arms. 

It didn't take her long to fall asleep, but I stayed awake for quite awhile. Watching her sleep was the most beautiful thing I'd seen in long time. Sometimes I can tell when she's having a good dream, or when she's starting to wake up. Tonight was different. No little smiles, no fluttering eyelids, just her steady breathing and her heartbeat in my arms.


I woke up to be met by Emily's dark hair tangled with her fingers, and her arm underneath my torso, her hand on my back. I rolled over assuming that her arm must be asleep, and I got up to go to the bathroom.

I was startled by a knock on the door.

"JJ, you good?" She asked groggily.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'll be out in a minute."

I heard her feet shuffle away down the hall, and I knew she must have gone to the kitchen.

I joined her at the kitchen counter as we shared a single cup of coffee, there wasn't enough for the two of us.

"What's on the calendar for today?" Emily asked, checking her phone.

"I don't think we have any plans today, except maybe grocery shopping." I laughed, nudging her in the ribs playfully.

"Jayje, according to my calendar here, you have your appointment today."

"I get my stitches out today?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Are you ready for this?"

"I mean, it'd be nice to not have to worry about being so careful all the time but I never even look at it except for when I'm changing the dressing." I said anxiously.

"I'm still coming with you, okay? No arguing that. I'll be there to hold your hand through the whole thing." She reassured me.


Sitting in the waiting room was probably the most nerve racking part of this whole situation. When the nurse called my name to come back, I tensed up suddenly, squeezing Emily's hand harder than I probably should have.

"Alright, let's go do this!" She encouraged me.

We walked back together, hand in hand.

The doctor finally walked in after the numbing shots had kicked in, and he began to set up all the tools and equipment to take the stitches out.

"This shouldn't hurt at all, but it's not gonna be fun," the doctor informed me. "Just try and sit still."

I looked at Emily as he peeled up the bandage and began poking around, trying to find the right place to start. One by one, he took each of the stitches out and Emily held my other hand the whole time, just like she promised.

After a surprisingly short amount of time the doctor said, "Well Jennifer, that's the last of em'!"

I looked down at my forearm which was fairly red and irritated. The skin I had sliced was already beginning to scar, and I could tell it wasn't gonna be a pretty one.

He went over all the aftercare instructions, and supplied me with butterfly bandages, and gauze pads incase it were to break open again.

When we reached the car Emily stopped me. She took hold of my wrist and gently rolled up my sleeve, staring at my newly forming scar. She raised my arm up, and placed a kiss on my forearm, and then another. I took my free hand to wipe the tears forming in my eyes and as she looked up I kissed her firmly on the mouth.

"You're so beautiful Jennifer. No matter what okay?" She said.

"Okay." I cried.

She pulled me into a hug, and she hugged me so tight all my broken pieces seemed to come back together.

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