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A/N : OMG! If you didn't read the last A/N then i'll tell you right now! I'm updating twice today and maybe once tomorrow since i got over 300 more reads and alot of votes. (: Plus, there's something else...My mom's college writing book says "Learning STYLES." I repeat, "Learning STYLES."  !!!!!!!!! It might seem weird to you but my mom is finally learning STYLES!!! LOL (; Hint: Harry STYLES....Just incase you didn't get it (:


So here's the chapter TROUBLE. - 50 Shades Of Styles



Mary's P.O.V.

I'm walking down an ally way by myself today. I got to go to the store and then mall for my mom.

I hear noises close by and then it stops. It doesn't sound like a rat or anything like that of an animal. It's too loud for it be anything like that. I stop in my tracks and look around. I walk again but faster. I hear it again.

"Who's there?" I ask. My voice is shaky and breaths are becoming unstable.

I see a shadow run by a trash bin.

"I said, Who's there?!" I repeat.

Then, i'm pushed and pressed to the brick wall, my phone dropping out of my hand and landing on the hard cement ground. No one can see us and i can't see who it is until i open my eyes again.

My wrists are held against the wall as well.

"Robert?" I ask.

"Mary." He states.

"What are you doing?"

"I've been looking for you."

"Leave -- leave me alone."

"And why would i listen to a poor, defencless girl like you?"

"Bacause, i said to."

"Oh, well that makes sence, because you said to. Well, i'm sorry babe but i'm not going to listen to someone like you anymore. Don't you know what happened when i did listen to you?"

This is the whole story. Me and Robert were best friends. Were. Meaning a long time ago. We were at a party. We were teens that just graduated out of highschool. Anyways, we were at a party and we were all drinking. Everyone lost there minds. Including me. I was so wasted that i made, forced Robert to cut me on my wrists, legs, arms, hand, etc. And to set a house on fire.

He didn't want to listen so i showed one embarrasing video of him and told evryone his secrets. He never liked me after that. But i was drunk! He should have taken me home! Right?

The people in the house fire lived and my scars eventually faded away but the memories are now stuck in Robert's mind and i can't erase that. But i wish that i could.

"I'm sorry." I say. I dip my head low and tears stream down my cheeks.

He takes his knife out of his back pocket and sticks it under my chin to lift my head up. He then points it side ways under my chin. Looking as if he's going to kill me on the spot. I know he won't. But what if i'm wrong?

"Sorry, isn't going to cut it. Get it? CUT it? Nevermind. Anyways, no need to cry, because it's all over, right? Just like you said three years ago a month after the party even happened!" He yells in my face. His breatj. His breath smells like beer.

"What have you been drinking? Are you drunk?" I ask nervously.

"What's it to you?"

"I'm guessing that's a yes."

"Don't play games with me." He licks his lips.

"Well, don't test me, then."

"I like you fiesty."

"Well, i don't like you."

He gets woozy a little bit, i can tell.

Harry's P.O.V.

I'm walking down the street when i see a man a little older than me holding a girl up against a wall in the alley.

I walk towards them and go into the alley way.

Then i see her, Mary.

"Mary!" I yell.

I run towards her and the man. He has aknife. I don't have anything so i guess i'll have to use my fists.

"Get away from her!" I yell at the man.

"Ah! Stay back, or else she's gone. And you will be too if you step one more step closer." The guy says.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"What's yours?" He asks me.



"Nice to meet you, Robert." I stick my hand out for a shake but i'm really going to flip him and take him down.

He backs away from Mary but making sure she's still secure on the wall where he can see her.

"Nice to meet you too." He shakes my hand.

Then i filp him. I knock him to the ground and start pounding on him.

"Harry." I hear. But i'm too focused on the man under me.

My fists are covered with blood bythe time Mary pulls me off Robert.

"Mary. What are you still doing here?! He could have got up and killed you! Or someone else of his possy could have done something!"

"Harry! I know you're worried abotu me but you can't tell me wha to do!"

"I'm not telling you what to do! I'm protecting you!"

"Is that what you call it? Protecting, Harry? Huh?"

"Yes." He wipes the blodd on his pants.

"Well, i'll have you know that, that guy right there on the ground bleeding to death happened to be my best friend. My ex best friend! That's not protectiong, Harry! That's murder!"

Mary starts to walk off my i catch up to her. I push her by the shoudlers to make her stop but she backs up and turns around to go the other way. I do the same thing again and she finally stops.

"Listen. Please. I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I promoise!"

"You promise?! Then, why don't you promise me something else?! Take Robert to the emergency room!"

"Anything. Okay. I will, i promise."

"Do it now!"

"Okay." I run towards Robert's body and pick him up limp.

I walk him to my car andf put him in the backseat and drive to the emergency room.

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