Roommate Trouble.

847 11 4

A/N - Shoutout to duckgoose and cheesusx ! Thx for commenting which days!

There are some sex scenes in here so beware! (;

These are the days that i will be updating for now on:

(1) monday

(2) Wednesday

(3) Sunday

~CrAzYhIpPo~ Xx


 Mary's P.O.V.

I wake up next to Harry. The memories of last night come back to me. What if he really is the killer? I have to know the truth.

My phone starts buzzing.

From: Jake (:

Hey. Where are you?! I brought the food home last night but you were nowhere to be found. Are you okay? Do you need me to come get you???

Wow. Jake actually cares about my safety. But he has nothing to worry about, not yet.

To: Jake (:

Hey! I'm at my boyfriend's. I'm sorry i didn't make it home. We were talking and then it led to something else. Yes, i'm fine. I'll walk home. (:

Okay so i lied. We weren't really talking that much. And no i'm not fine. I'm actually sorta scared. I don't know what to believe. 

From: Jake (:

Okay. Be careful. The food is all gone cuz i ate it. But i'll run to the store real quick for some breakfast. (:

To: Jake (:

Mkay! Thx! (: See ya soon. Xx

I put my phone in my back pocket and got up. I am so tired and stuff.

"Babe, what are you doing?" Harry's finally awake.

"Oh, um...I need to go."

"Why? You don't want breakfast?"

"Well, actually, Jake is going to the store to get some. And i promised him that i would be home last night but i ended up here. So, in order to apoloigize, i've got to go back to my place and work on that paperwork."

"Oh. So he's controling your life?" His jaw tightens.

"No." I say angrily. "Look. There's nothing wrong with Jake. And if you met him then i think you two could be friends."

"I'm not being friends with your roommate." He scoffs.

"Fine. Be that way. I'm leaving. If you want a kiss and a hug then you have to get out of bed and give me one." I say while tieing my shoes and sitting down on the edge of his bed.

"Or i could just do this." He pulls me towards him and places a wet and sloppey kiss on my cheek.





"Yeah!" I tickle him to make him let go of me but then he ends up on top of me.

He starts panting.

He bends his head down into the crook of my neck and starts leaving wet kisses.

"I love you." He says.

"Prove it, Harry."

He smiles and pulls of my shoes and throws them on the floor. I take off his boxers and throw them on the floor as well.

He takes off my pants and underwear and gets closer to my vagina.

My heart beats faster.

He licks around my V and then starts sucking.

"Harry. No teasing." I say.

He sticks one finger in my hole and starts pumping it in and out.

I moan and he looks satisfied.

He comes back up to my face and kisses me then he puts my underwear and pants back on.

"I love you too." I say.


I get my stuff ready and walk back to my flat.

Jake's still gone by the time i get back. I go inside and to my room.

I text Jake.

To: Jake (:

I'm finally home! (: I'm gonna take a shower.

From: Jake (:

Okay! (: I'm almost home, just gotta get gas.

I get the clothes that i need for today and go to my bathroom.

As soon as i'm undressing i hear the door open and close. I guess Jake is finally back. 

"I'm back!" Jake yells.

"Okay! That was quick!"

"Sure was." I can hear clearer now. Whch means he's in my room.

"So what food did you get?"

"Uhm..Well pizza for tomorrow since we're going out tonight, cinnamon rolls for breakfast this week, and lunch i got sanwhich stuff."

"Okay, cool. Thanks. So where are we going out to tonight?" I ask while stepping out of the shower.

I wrap my towel around me. My clothes are gone.

"Oh,  anywhere you want to. I don't mind."

"O-Okay. Do you, uhm, see my clothes laying anywhere in there?"


"Well,  i could have sworn  i put them in here with me."

I step out of the bathroom and see Jake sitting on my bed.

I go to my dresser and find some clean clothes. Then, when i turn around i see Jake shirtless and infront of me.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I want you."

He starts to grind me.

"Are you drunk or just stupid?"


I'm going with drunk.

Then, he kisses me. I've never kissed Jake before. Only once when we were five. But that doesn't count.

"Jake." I say inbetween kisses. "Please. Get away from me."

"You know you want it."

"I do, but,"

"But what? You're afraid your little boyfriend is going to find out. You're scared of him. Admit it."

"No. I'm not." I push myself into him and we end up on my bed.

"Then prove to me that you're not." He spits.

"Fine." I say and smile evily.

I take his pants off and then his boxers. I lick around his Dick and work my way up to his mouth.

"You're really good at this." He states the obvious.


Then it's his turn.

He pulls the towel off of me and does what i did.

This is some serious roommate trouble.

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