20. Background

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Chapter nº20. Background

My head was going at a hundred per cent. Had the only Donovan's daughter died? That surely would explain a lot of things. But, why wouldn't they tell me? How old had she been? My detective skills were on edge, ready for the action. I could guess that if the school girls were going to the service, maybe she had been our age, Nick's age. I was now almost sure they were twins. Oh, wow, how sad would it be to loose a sister? And more specially, a twin? I was starting to feel real pity, and I didn't like it. When my father had died, I hated people's pity.

In the inside, I wanted to know more, but who should I ask? And what would be my excuse? After all, I wasn't suposed to know.

I needed to talk to someone. There was only one option left: to call Mel. I needed her and she would have to undestand and forgive me for waking her up at 3 am.

"So now I have no idea what to do. I feel left apart Mel. I really miss you" Tears were running down my face. "I want to call Mom right now, and hear Kiara's voice. I even miss my grandma, and that is much to say!" I laughed-cried. 

Mel was patiently listening, even though she was locked in her wardrobe so her mom wouldn't know she was out of bed at almost 4 am.

"And then there is Nick" now that I was talking I couldn't stop. "I don't know what's happening with him. We almost slept together the other night! I mean, we did sleep together, but not that sleep. That's confussing... Anyway..." I was a bit calmer now "Mel, what should I do? I don't want to stop this game. It's really entertaining, but deep inside I know that I'm making a big mistake. I feel almost like..."

"Like the old Mia" She finished for me.

"Exactly. I'm scared. I don't want to be that person again, but I feel like if it's too late now, and I'm so far away and my life back at home is just a dream! I want to make the most of my time here. I'm almost reaching half of my exchange, and I do not want to go back. There are so many things to do! At first my grandmother made me do this, but now..."

"Okay, Mia. Stop ranting. I'm getting a little bit too concerned now. You sound like yourself, but you behave like the old Mia" Her expression turned really serious. "You know, I really don't approve what you're doing. You know people are getting hurt. Have you even spoken to him since you arrived? He gets it that you want your space, but he's really worried. He askes me about you almost everyday. What am I supposed to tell him, that you don't want to speak to him? That you are ch..."

I cut her out before she could say it. "Okay, I get. You can't imagine how bad I feel, but I can't help it"

"Mia! You are so mature sometimes, but right now you have to grow up and face the consecuencies of what you've been doing. And I mean it. I hate to be 'the mother´but someone has to put some sense in that red head of yours. I'll give you till the end of the weekend or else I'll tell him".

"FINE! I'll do it, but I want you to know that real friends support you no matter what" I snapped. I wan't mad at her, 'cause I knew she was right. But I took out my frustration with her and regretted it the moment it scaped my mouth.

"FINE! "She mimicked me. " Go on, call your friends over there at 3 am asking for help. Let's see how many of them answer you in the fisrt place and then tell you what ir right and not what you want to hear" An with that she finished our Skype conversation. Immediatly after that, she logged out.

Oh, no. WHat had I done?

(A/N: sorry it's a bit confuising. It will all be explained in the following chapters. Be patient please!) BTW, the chapter doens't finish here, so keep reading :)

The Donovans didn't come back until very late that day. I had had time to call my whole family. Of course that I pretended that everything was perfect here, but I had to excuse myself when they had asked to meet the family. I wasn't so sure any more that I could call them that, and I felt bad only thinking about something like that when they had opened their house to me. But was giving me accommodation and food enough to call them "family"? But they hadn't given me that only. Almost all of them gave me their love, too. Jeniffer for example, or Max, or the twins. Even Nick, in his own twisted way. I was ready to come down and meet them. I was feeling better and not so resentful with them while I was descending the stairs. When I reached the door to the kitchen, I stoppedmto hear if it was okay for me to go in. But apparently, someone was having a hot discussion.

"Nick, tomorrow you are turning eighteen, you have to celebrate it. Every year it's the same thing with you. You are alive, you have to be thankful for that and live to the fullest, am I claer?"

"Yes, dad".

I quickly hid behind a very big indoor plant as they exited the room. So tomorrow was his birthday? Before today, I would have thought that it would be a day to celebrate with a big party to the Nick Donovan's style, but I wasn't so sure anymore. I mean, if my suspicions were right, I wouldn't want to celebrate my birthday with a house full of drunk people while my twin wasn't here to turn older with me.

But time had tought me a lesson. People hide their feelings in different ways. Sometimes, being noisy and acting like you don't care is the biggest manifestation of true feelings. And I was guessing Nick was one of that kind.

I guess I'll find out tomorrow...

I silenytly went to bed without bumping with any other Donovan. What a huge house this one is!

I brushed my teeth, put my PJ's on and climbed to bed. It took my quite a while, but I was finally drifting to sleep when I heard my door creek open. I immediately lifted myself to a satright position.

"Mia, can I sleep with you?" There was Max, satinding in my door, very cute looking. I couldn't say no to a puppy dog face like that.

"Come on, Max, climb to bed. But I'm warning you. As soon as you kick me or something while we're sleeping, I'm kicking you out of my room, got it?"

He mimicked a militar salute and said: "Yes, sir, yes!" And then he run and jumped to my side. With a smile, I let myself go back to sleep.

What's going on with the Donovan boys lately that they keep ending up in my bed?

wow, i posted twice in less than a week! you have to love me.

sooooo, i hope you liked it. I know we can get this story to be 1000 votes and 100 comments! again, do it if you want, it won't change my writing time.

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