9. The aisle

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Chapter nº9. The aisle

What had I said? That it wouldn't be such a bad day? Well, I still had one period of Biology, and guess who was in my class? Yeah, you are right; Nick. 

We were walking together, well, it was more like I was following him, 'cause I didn't know where to go. 

"So, how was your day so far?"

"Mind your business" I told him dryly. 

"Someone is sensitive. What happened? You didn't make any friends? I didn't see you at lunch time; were you eating in the bathroom like in 'Mean Girls'?" he laughed to his own joke. Jerk. 

I ignored him.  

He grabbed me by the arm and pressed me against the lockers on the aisle. 

"You will have to learn, Mia, that I don't like people ignoring me".

What was wrong with hmm? He really needed someone to teach him what personal space was. 

"Watch me do it".

"You talked to me. You are not ignoring me" he laughed. 

"Leave me alone. I'm gonna be late for class" I tried to push him away, but he was firmly standing there, both arms on my side and creating a trap around me. 

"Are you so excited about meeting your nerd friends?"

I really needed to shit him up. But that would mean ruining my facade of the innocent girl. I was having my internal discussion when he close almost all the space between us. 

"Did the cat ate your tongue?"

That was it. This time, I was the one that leaned even closer to him. 

He looked surprised. I left him hanging for a couple of seconds, and then a kissed him hard. 

It didn't take him long to kiss me back. He was so going down, and he didn't even know it. I spun him around and he reacted. He let me be the one pinning him against the lockers, and when he least expected it, I kneaded him between his legs. 

He fell in front of me, with the funniest face ever. 

"Ups, sorry. It was an accident. An I would love to stay here, but I have some nerds to meet". I pretended to blow a kiss and walk away. 

That felt reeeeeeally good. 

He arrived ten minutes late to Biology class. When he walked in, he shoot me a pretty terrifying look, but I smiled widely to him. 

He walked down straight to me. 

"You are sitting in my spot"

"I'm sorry, Nicky, I didn't know it had your name. It's just that, you know, all the seats next to the nerds were occupied. But look! Now there is one free. What a coincidence! You can go and sit there." I smiled innocently. 

I knew this was his seat. It was in the last row and between two of the guys that I had met at the bowling place. Josh and Harry, I think they were. 

They were laughing and when he looked at them, they tried to pretend to be coughing. 

"What's going on over there? Nicholas, if you come late, the least you can do is be quiet and  sit down so I don't have to interrupt my class" Reluctantly, he went to the front of the classroom and sat down next to a girl wearing thick glasses. You could see him trying to be as far away from her as possible. 

A big smile formed on my face. I was enjoying my last first day of school after all.

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