14. Family friends

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sorry for the long long wait! i will try really hard so it doesnt happen again! it's just that there are heaps of things going on. i was on an exchange myself and i had to come home, and beacuse of the different time zones i was always tired and my  head was a mess and blablabla. and this week i'm going on schoolies! (if you write it like that, sorry i have no idea how to spell it) so it will take me at least two weeks to upload chapter 15, but after that it will be more often. thanks sooooo much! i know 2,500 reads it's not much for some people, but this is my first try so every comment, fan, vote and read means A LOT. THANKS!

Chapter nº14. Family friends

"Mia, are you ready?" Jenifer was knocking on my door.

"Yes, come in"

She opened the heavy door and came into my room. The design was exquisite, and I was really happy with this place. It was where I could escape to have time on my own. The curtains were gold and the walls were painted a pristine white. This combination of white and gold wasn't present only in my room, but also in my en-suite bathroom. I loved my bath, and every time I felt homesick, I had a relaxing bath with imported aromatic salts. I was enjoying the rich's life.

“I knew that dress was the best one for this event” She was so proud of her work. She had started her career as a model, but then she became a pretty well-known fashion designer. I liked some of her work, but she tended to be a little bit exaggerated with the colours.

I looked at my reflection. She was standing behind me, with her hands on my shoulders. We were so different, but so similar at the same time. She was blond where I was redhead, and her blue eyes shone brightly, when my green eyes were darker and if you didn't pay attention, you would have thought they were black; but we shared the tall, slim figure and the attitude. We were women, though she could have doubled me in age. We looked good together, like a lost aunty and her niece.

“They are just about to arrive; we better wait for them downstairs”

“Yes, it will only take me a minute” She raised her eyebrow questioningly. She didn't like people not doing what she wanted. “I just wanted to wear my hair up. I think it would look really good with your dress, Jenifer”

Her expression changed automatically. She smiled really wide and asked me if she could help me. I, of course, let her. When she finished, she stepped aside and let me have a look to the huge mirror. I had to blink. She could have been a hairdresser and she would have been the best! I guess that if you work in the fashion industry, you can do everything.

I had a high ponytail, but my bright red hair still reached my waist. I had a couple of locks of hair curled around my ears, which made the look really elegant but young. My hair matched perfectly with the dull silver of the dress. It had always been a problem with the colour of my clothes and my hair. It is so hard to find nice clothes for redheads...

I swear I saw her wiping some tear from her cheek. She was so sweet... I thought that if she had had a baby girl, it would've been the most spoiled and happiest girl in the world.

To do such an excellent job, it took her more than a couple of minutes, so when we went downstairs, the guests were entering through the door. There were five of them: the parents, two girls, and a young adult boy. They were the MacGrifins.

“Gina, Andrew! It's been so long!” It was the first time I saw Mr Donovan show so many emotions. He was giving the couple bear hugs. “Lucy, Nina, it's amazing how much you grew up since the last time I saw you.”

Then he turned to the young man and hugged him really tight. “Nathaniel, son, we missed you so much” his voice sounded weird with so much emotion on it. “How has University been?”

“You should see his grades, Rob. You have such a smart kid there.”

Hang on a sec, that was Nate? Nobody had told me I would be finally meeting him! It seemed like he was living with the MacGrifins. I couldn't believe I had never asked before about him. I was such a horrible person.

If only I could see his face... the whole time he had been staring at the floor. He almost looked ashamed.

Suddenly, Nathaniel's phone went off and he turned to answer it. And that made me remember! Mia, how could you forget? Mel would kill me if I didn't send her a photo of me with this dress and my hair styled; we hadn't been talking quite as much lately, so this was the very least I could do...

I excused myself after briefly being introduced to everybody except Nathaniel, who was speaking on the phone outside.

I ran upstairs and took a photo of myself. I looooooved that picture, and I knew Mel would too. She was so into fashion... She would have loved Jenifer, they were so alike...

I posted my pic on Mel´s Facebook wall and wrote some sentimental stuff I knew she loved and then went downstairs. They were sitting on the comfy couches in the land room, waiting for me to go to the dining room. We were walking down the aisle that led to where we were eating when I realised someone was missing. And that wasn't something easy to notice with so many people walking. There were the twins talking to the real twins (yeah, Lucy and Nina MacGriffin were actually tweens and thirteen years old); Max was walking holding hands with me and Robert, Jenifer, Gina and Andrew were laughing about something Rob had said. But I couldn't see Nick anywhere. And now that I thought about it, Nathaniel wasn't anywhere to be seen either. How weird...

“Hey, Max, where are your older brothers?”

“i don't know! But I thought you would be happy about their absence”

I laughed. “I am, believe me; but it's weird. Are they talking in private or anything?”

“Them talking? Ha, I don't think so. Kicking each other asses, that may be. Or yelling...”

“What??!!” But we had arrived to our seats and our conversation was interrupted. I was dying out of curiosity. What was going on between those two?

My mental rumbling was interrupted by a door being slammed shut. After a few seconds, Nick came into the room. His amazing white shirt was stained with what seemed his own blood. His bottom lip was wounded (a punch, most likely) and his cheek was swollen and red. And also was his fist. So he did fight back...

“Nicholas...” I would be afraid if I were him. I had never ever heard Rob sounding so threatening.

“Nate is gone”

“And so will you. Your room, NOW” Nick didn't add any of his stupid remarks. He simply turned round and slowly walked out. He was so proud... And such a prick.

Everybody looked ashamed and a weird silence was stablished.

“So, are you all coming to my football match next Saturday, right? I am finally playing!”

Max could be a demon sometimes, but right now he was our saviour. We kept talking lightly. Rob's good mood was absolutely gone. He looked more like his normal self.

What the hell is going on?


WHAT DO U GUYS THINK ABOUT THE BOY I CHOSE AS MAX? i know he is a little bit older, but he has that devilish look :P (pic to the side)

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