7. My last first day

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Chapter nº7. My last first day

Liam was walking next to me. He was taking me to the front office to pick up my time table.

I must had done something good lately, because karma was on my side. When I was going into the school, I saw Liam trying to catch up with Mr Idiot. I called him, he looked once to his friends and then came to me to save my day.

"You look good in that uniform, Mia"

"Thanks. You are not so bad yourself"

I was wearing a white shirt, a black pretty short skirt, red tie and black jacket. I had to admit it wasn't as bad as I thought.

"And I like you went for a natural beauty". Okey, the truth was I hadn't had time to put any make up on, but he didn't have to know that.

I laughed and hit him in his arm playfully.

We kept on walking in silence. I could feel people looking at us, but I didn't care. I wasn't self conscious or anything. I even enjoyed the attention. I was going to miss that when I came back home...

"You must look very good today, 'cause everybody is looking at us" I told him.

He laughed and put his arm around my shoulders.

"You see? That's the way important people's lives are".

"It must be so exhausting..."

We kept on joking until we got to the office. There, they welcomed me and gave me all the information I needed.

As it was a private school, they didn't get exchange students very often. The organization wouldn't cover for this school, but my grandma insisted. Now she was paying for me to come to the most expensive school in the city. In my opinion, it was ridiculous.

Schools almost never let exchange students do the last year, but I fought my way in and now I would be graduating with all my classmates. I had already finished school back at home, but if I did my exams here, I might even get a second diploma. Not bad, huh?

I chose my five subjects: Spanish (it was my first language anyway), English, Biology, P.E. and Maths. I discovered I had two classes with Liam, which made me pretty happy. At least I would see one familiar face.

The bell rang and my temporary best friend had to leave me.

I started the week with a double spares, which was called here 'study periods'.

I headed for the library when I realized I didn't know where it was.

Eventually, I arrived to what looked like an open space. It was definitely a sports ground. There was a black board next to the door with the sports news, so I decided to have a look.

There was one paper that called my attention. It was bright pink and was inviting girls to the tryouts for cheerleading. It would be something new in the school. How great! Bitches trying to kill each other to be in there...

Someone cleared their throat behind me. It was a tall, really beautiful blonde girl. She had big brown eyes and though she looked like a popular girl, she didn't seem bitchy.

"Are you interested in cheerleading?" she asked me with a smile. She had perfect white teeth.

"Uh, I don't think so".

"Why not? Just give it a shot! The tryouts are in one week. We had been trying to form a squad during last semester, and we managed alright. But one of the girls moved away and now we have a spot that needs to be taken. And believe me, we have already tried all the girls at school. Oh! Excuse my manners. My name is Karen. And you must be a new student" it wasn't a question

"Yes. My name is Mia, I'm an ecxhange student"

We kept on talking about my home country, what was fashionable there, if guys were hot... It wasn't a deep conversation, but it was nice. We even had three classes in common! Well, spares and two classes.

I couldn't believe it, but she even convinced me to do the tryouts. What have I put myself into?

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