23. Getting to know the truth

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23. Getting to know the truth

I woke up in the tree house. I looked around and saw everyone sleeping except for Nate, who was nowhere to be seen.  I decided I was sober enough to climb down the stairs and back to the ground. Yesterday, or I should better say this morning, none of us was in condition to go back to the main house without breaking their neck while climbing down.

I looked at my golden watch and saw that it was 11 am. What was I doing awake? I asked myself. Giving up on going back to sleep on the hard wooden floor due to my hurting back and hangover starting to do its deal, I went back to "earth".

I left my high heels with everybody else sleeping and went to catch some fresh air to help me with my throbbing head.

When I reached the grass, the first thing that I felt was the soft, humid grass, getting between my toes. It felt so nice, and the view was so amazing. If the Donovan's mansions was something to be seen, their garden was just heaven. Instead of going back to the house, and even though it was chilly and my dress didn't cover much of my body, I walked down to the small lake that was just behind the trees where the tree house rose.

Despite of my growing hangover, I was feeling light-hearted and ran to the lake like a little child. It had felt so good to let out the thoughts that I hadn't even been letting myself form inside my head. But I froze in my spot when I realised that, sitting by the narrow shore, Nate was resting, almost lying on the grass. He seemed so...relax, not like I had seen him lately, since we first met to be more specific.

I approached him silently, but let him know I was there with a simple "Hey"

He turned to look at me with surprise. I felt kind of bad interrupting him. He seemed so peaceful, his eyelids closed and face relaxed. I was afraid to see that he was building his defenses back again.

"Hey" he answered back with that deep voice of his that could hypnotize any woman. It was so rich, not a boys voice, but a man's.

"Can I sit next to you?" I asked, unsure of his answer. "Really, you can say no, don't feel obliged to anything" I rushed to add.

"No, it's okay" He told me, and I was really glad to see that he was relaxing again, closing his eyes as I sat next to him, not minding if I got my dress humid with the night dew.

We sat there in silence, Nate with his eyes closed and I admiring all the beauty around me, and yes, that includes him. I hadn't felt so in peace with myself since I first landed here. Nate was giving me my space and I was giving him his, but it felt really good to be sharing the moment together instead of on my own.

Now that I had admitted it to myself, I was determined to do something with Marco. I hadn't spoken to him since the first week here. I had thought that the distance would make our relationship stronger, that missing each other would be a good thing for us. But instead, I discovered that I didn't miss him in a romantic way, but in a 'friend zone' way. I missed talking with him, telling him everything that crossed my mind and knowing he would never, ever judge me. But I definitely didn't miss his kisses, or being in bed with him. Well done, Mia. You've been telling 'I love you' to someone you don't for over a year. I felt like shit. I really had thought I loved him. He had been able to change the old, bitch, ice-hearted Mia into a loving and caring one. Now I felt like I had been lying to Marco whenever I had told him that I loved him this past year and a half. 

'Cause I mean, if I loved him, why would I have not remembered him for this last months? Why would I have kissed that boy in Nick's last party, or Nick all this times before? 

I heard someone clearing their throat and I remembered Nate lying to my side.

"You know..." he started saying, but first looked at me in the eyes, as if asking for my permission to break the comfortable silence "you really surprised everybody yesterday."

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