You Might Want To Pack Your Bags

656 8 2

EDITED 4-2-16 & 7-18-17

Matt's POV

Today, we decided that we needed another member to our house. So, we decided on adopting a kid from the orphanage a couple of miles away.

"Ready?" I asked all the other guys that were sitting on the couch, and of course, on their phones.

I got a mixed response of "yep" and "sure."

Since the orphanage was a few miles away, we decided to drive. When we got to the front desk, we asked if we could adopt. The lady nodded and handed us some files. "Here, look at these and pick one," she said in a monotone voice.

We walked to the couches and began flipping through the files. We sat there for about thirty minutes and only one file had caught my eye.

Name: Alexandra Elizabeth Thomson

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Things you should know:

Likes to be called Alex

Claims her life evolves around music

Needs time to open up, but once she opens up she is a very funny and friendly girl

Has had a hard past, but rarely gets flashbacks

She is shy, but you can help that by spending time with her

"Hey guys. I think we should adopt this one," I said, passing the folder around.

They all nodded their heads in agreement and we headed to the front desk. "We would like to adopt Alexandra."

"Would you like to go get her? I can show you to her room?"

"Yes, please."

She got up and led us to a room that we could hear faint singing from. I knocked on the door, and seconds later a girl that looked about 13 or 14 answered the door. "Hey, Alexandra. You might want to pack your bags. We're adopting you," I said with a smile.

The look on her face was shocked, but happy.

A/N So, any suggestions for who to play Alex

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