Meeting The Griers

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Edited: 7-18-17

RECAP: "Does anyone else know about you being claustrophobic?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I don't really find it a big deal." I know he was just being curious, but I hated talking about myself.

He looked concerned, but I get why. I was avoiding all tight spaces and loud crowds ever since Matt had adopted me. I hate attention being on me.

I grabbed what I needed from inside my room and Hayes and I walked to Carter and Aaron's room. It was fairly easy to identify with all the shouting. As I knocked on the door, I finally got a chance to really take a look at this place.

There were beautiful pieces of art hanging on the walls. The carpet was a burgundy and beige color with a paisley design. I've never realized how stunning the hotel was.

I was nudged on the shoulder by Hayes, bringing me out of my own train of thought. Aaron had opened the door, welcoming us inside. The boys and Mahogany were playing some sort of truth or dare game. Of course, they just had to play the worst game ever. Being obliged to join the game, it was my turn. "Alex," Taylor said, earning my attention, "truth or dare?"

"That's quite a hard question. I'll pick 'or'," I said, pulling of a fake thoughtful look.

"It's truth or dare. Not truth, or, and dare." The look he gave me looked as if he was about done with my witty answers, even though I had only given one.

"Fine," I said with a huff, "dare."

"I dare you to kiss Shawn." Taylor smirked, knowing all too well that I had a tiny crush on Shawn. Never trust Taylor with you secrets, people.

I looked to my right where Shawn was seated with a small blush on his face. I looked at him, mentally asking for approval, and with a small nod of his head, I was leaning in. Closer, and closer, and closer we both leaned in until our lips were touching. Sparks were all I felt. They were everywhere. When I pulled back after a second or two, I was smiling like a dalmatian on Pedigree. (A/n: I don't know if that's a real expression that people use, but, I thought it sounded kinda cool? I've heard the quote somewhere before). I didn't know what to think. Did he like me? I didn't know what to say.

I turned my body back towards the group and they all had mixed feelings. Everyone was smiling except for Hayes, who looked like he was angry... Even Shawn was smiling, and I was, too.

When the game finished, everyone was getting hungry, even though it was already 8 at night. We all met down in the lobby after getting things we needed, like our key cards, money and phones. I was still mad at Taylor for making me kiss Shawn, but in a twisted way I was grateful he made me do it. I thought for sure I was stuck in the friend-zone, but I just don't know anymore.

"Alex, where do you wanna go?" Mahogany asked, drawing me out of my thoughts. I had a habit of getting so lost in my thoughts. Imagine you're in a tunnel with no light- okay, I need to stop with these 'imagine' thoughts.

"Uh, I don't care," I said, looking down at my phone, looking at some post on Instagram. It was an edit of Shawn and myself. But, what I found interesting was the caption. It was your typical fangirl caption, but it was the hashtag. It said #Shalex. From the limited knowledge I had about 'OTP's and 'ships' -as people called them- they were people you wanted to get together in a relationship. Don't get me started on 'ship's. When I first heard of one, I thought they meant like a battleship on an ocean or something. Apparently, they were a morphed name of the 'OTP'. I think... I still don't fully know.

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