The Picture

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Edited: 7-18-17

RECAP: The whole walk to Chipotle, we were talking about whatever we felt like. From movies to books from upcoming events to Jack & Jack's rise to fame.

When we got back home, I went to bed while Jack and Jack watched some lame horror movie. I could hear their screams from all the way in my room. Babies, I thought.

When I woke up in the morning, my clothes were still missing. This is where the 'or else' comes into play. I pulled up a picture of JG as a kid on my phone. His mom sent me this picture in case I needed to us it. I opened Twitter and attached the picture and typed 'Or else'. Instantly, it got thousands of re-tweets.

Walking downstairs, dressed and penny board in hand, I saw JG stressing over something on his phone. "What's the matter, Jack?" I smiled innocently.

In response, he just scowled.

"Should've put my clothes back, huh? Well, I'll be back in a few hours." With that, I walked out the door, leaving JG still scowling. "Scowling at me isn't going to solve your problems," I called back at him.

After a few hours of skating around, I finally headed back to the house to pack for MAGCon in a few hours. Our flight left at 2:00 pm and we had to get to the airport at 1:30 pm in order to not be late. When I walked into my room, all my clothes were back into their proper place. Good JG.

--------At Airport-------

"Flight 513 is ready to board," they called on the overhead system. We all grabbed our bags and hurried over to the gate. Quickly boarding, I was put in the middle of Jack and Jack. Again. For an hour. Amazing.

All throughout the plane ride, I constantly had to turn up the volume on the movie of music I was listening to because JG and JJ wouldn't stop bothering me. I get why JG would bug me, but why JJ? That's just one more idiot to deal with, and I was so not in the mood for it. "What will take for you to stop bugging me?" I practically yelled, but keep my voice to a whisper. So, I guess I whisper-yelled?

"First off, tell me where you got that picture of me," JG said.

"Oh, man. That picture that you posted on Twitter was hilarious," JJ laughed.

JG scowled at JJ and looked at me, hoping for an answer. "That's for me to know and you to never find out," I smiled. He grumbled something under his breath and looked out the window for the rest of the plane ride, his earphones playing very loudly. Finally! Some peace!

--------After Plane Ride------

After about 2 hours, we were off the plane and through baggage claim. Meeting out the front doors, there was a limo waiting for us. With a shiny white coat on the outside, the inside was black leather with lights around the roof top and seats wrapping all the way around the sides.

We all climbed in, myself being in the middle of Shawn and Hayes. "You can sleep, Alex. It's going to be about an hour and a half until we get to the hotel," Shawn said, "You could sleep on my shoulder, if you want," he suggested. I smiled up at him, leaning my head on his shoulder. Shawn moved his arm, wrapping it around my shoulder, so I would be a bit more comfortable.

The last thing I remember is closing my eyes, dreaming of what might happen if I never go adopted by Matt. I opened my eyes to Shawn shaking me awake. "Alex, wake up. We're here."

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