Meeting Hayes

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EDITED 3-1-16 & 7-18-17

During dinner, Hayes and I talked, and he seems like a pretty cool guy. He played football for his high school in North Carolina, which I found cool, even though I'm a hockey kinda girl. "Hey, Alex. After dinner, do you wanna go out for ice cream? I found this little shop a few blocks away," Hayes asked.

"I'm so sorry, but I haven't been feeling well all day. But, I promise you if I feel better tomorrow we will go. Okay?"

"Or, I could take you out for breakfast?" He suggested.

"Yeah," I said, "I just might be up for that. Well, I'm gonna go to bed. It was so nice meeting you, Hayes."

"Night, Alex."

I've only known Hayes for a few hours, and he already feels like a brother to me.

The next morning, I woke up sorta early, getting ready for breakfast with Hayes. I dressed in a simple sweater with leggings and boots. I mean, we're probably just going to IHOP or something. I headed downstairs, grabbing my phone on the way. Hayes was there, on his phone, sitting on the couch with his back facing me. I slowly walked up to him, lightly placed my hands on his shoulders while whispering in his ear, "BOO!"

He jumped so high, I think the aliens on the moon saw him and could write a descriptive essay on him. He looked at me and said the exact same thing that Matt said when I scared him. "Not. Funny."

"Oh, but it was," I said, still laughing.

"Let's just go get some breakfast," he grumbled.

I started walking towards the door, him following. He led me around the block to the nearby IHOP. "So, how was your morning so far?" I asked, breaking the silence between us.

"Well, I got scared. So, I would say my morning has been..... Interesting. What about you?" He said glaring at me for scaring him.

"Pretty good, I guess. I got to scare this one guy, and I think he jumped so high that the aliens on the moon could see him," I said, chuckling at the events that have happened this morning.

"You believe in aliens?" He asked, giving me a confused face.

"I only believe in them....." I paused for effect, "because I am one," I said, looking at my folded hands on the table.

I heard him gasp. "You're one of..... Them," he asked in complete shock.

I lost it and completely started laughing, people around us making weird faces or giving us a sideways glance. "No, but you should've seen your face. It was hilarious. I totally had you fooled!" I said in between m laughing fits.

Hayes' POV

Her laughter was so.... Cute? I don't know. Ever since I met her, she has been like a sister to me. She's been a really good friend. I defiantly don't see her as more than a friend, though. "You need to teach me how to scare people," I said, taking a sip of the coffee I had ordered.

"In my opinion, it's all about opportunity. If you see someone with their back turned to you, that's the perfect opportunity. Of course, there are other ways to scare somone." she said, taking a bite of her pancakes.

"Like how?"

"Why would I give away my secrets?" She asked.

We finished our meals and headed back to the house. When we walked through the door, everyone was worrying because we didn't leave a note. "Sorry, I thought I told you we were going out for breakfast this morning," I lied.

"Next time, even if you did tell us, leave a frickin' note! We were worried sick. Now, get changed. We have an award show today," Matt said, pointing to the stairs.

In less than two hours, we were in the car and headed to the award show. When we got to the show, we stepped out on to the carpet and were bombarded with questions. We ignored them and headed inside. We're already late as is. No one was on the carpet.

A/N: Heeyyy guys! So, my computer is still being fixed, but hopefully, I can get it back soon. When my mom took it in, the guy was making a bunch of weird noises while looking for a solution, which is not good! Hopefully, they don't have to reset the entire computer. I have stories that I was going to post when I finished them. I also had the next chapter for this story. Oops? Did I actually say/type that out loud/via Internet? Oh, well. Now you know why I was offline for a while. I was coming up with story ideas and title names. Well, titles. I usually create a catchy title, then write the story based off that. Most of the time I just get carried away....

QOTD: What's your favorite movie?

AOTD: I am a little kid at heart, so Mosters INC. But, a story that really touched me was The Theory of Anything

Stay amazing, y'all!

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