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Alli's P.O.V

So far tonight had turned out better than I expected. We had been here for a few hours now and there had been no sign of Niall and little Miss priss. I secretly kinda wished they wouldn't show up, but I knew that they would. Everyone else was here so they were coming whether I liked it or not. Louis and Eleanor were already there when we got to the club and I couldn't wait to actually have fun for once. Coming up on my fourth drink of the night, I stood near the vip bar with Liam. I was already slightly tipsy but that didn't stop me from getting another vodka soda.

"How are ya still standing love?" Liam laughed as I danced around waiting for my drink.

"It's the Irish blood." I laughed at his expression as he shook his head. "Cheers." I smiled at the bar tender as he passed me my drink and Liam proceeded to order a drink for himself.

"So where is your friend you were tellin' me about earlier?" I asked while taking a sip of my bitter drink. For a split second I noticed him look behind me.

"She's coming up from Wolverhampton tomorrow and she's gonna spend some time up here before she heads back to uni in a few weeks." He was smiling and I was glad he had finally met someone worth spending his time with. He always complained about not having someone like Niall had me, someone who he could tell anything to, someone he could spend his days with and it not be weird, and now he could have that. We walked over to the table where Harry was sitting and we continued on about Sophia. Everyone could tell how excited he was that she was coming to London and that she could meet the lot of us.

"I mean if she's anything like this dirt bag, you might have to get rid of her mate." Harry smiled cheekily.

"Yes, this one's a bit dodgy. Don't know what Niall was thinking." Liam joined in on the teasing.

"That's not fair..." I grumbled. "I expect that from that arse but you are supposed to be nice to me tonight." I motioned towards Harry before crossing my arms over my chest. I turned my head away in a joking matter as Liam tried to suck up by wrapping his arms around me.

"Bugger off." I said jokingly, scooting closer towards Harry. "I take back all of the nice things I said about you and her. She could do so much better." I said laughing but when my eyes met his, he was glancing over my shoulder and across the room. The frown that was settled on his always smiling features made me paranoid.

"What? Liam, I didn't mean it I was only joking." I said shaking his arm, turning to see what he was looking at.

"No, Alli, its nothing!" he said franticly, trying to stop me from turning around. But it was too late. I saw them walking into the club, arms linked tightly together and I hated to admit it but she looked hot, so did he. I guess he made his choice.

I turned around in my seat and downed what was left of my drink.

"Anyone want some shots?" I mumbled. Liam and Harry both gave me a worried look and shook their heads, afraid to say anything else. As I started to walk away Liam spoke up.


"I'm fine Liam." My voice sounding anything but fine.

I walked over to the bar and sat down on a high stool at the bar top. I faced away from the boys and kept my eyes away from the two I dreaded most. As I ordered two shots of tequila, all I could think about was how even though I told Sam I wouldn't let Niall ruin my night, that's exactly what I was letting him do.

A short 10 minutes later I heard the voices of my best friend and El come up behind me as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"What are ya doing up here?" she said giggling. You could tell she was after having her share of drinks and probably half of Harry's.

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