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Alli’s P.O.V.

To say that the rest of our time home flew by would be an understatement. After all of the events of Christmas day, my feelings for Niall went through the roof. Of course I wouldn’t be able to forget what happened, you don’t just forget something like that. I was so confused but it wasn’t what Niall wanted so I tried to forget. I couldn’t let it show. We promised to forget that day so that is what I attempted to do. And trust me… it was not easy.

After saying good bye to everyone and catching our flight back to London it was early evening but I was exhausted. The trip was exhausting, fun, but exhausting. I could not wait to get through the door in front of me and crash on my own bed. I loved being home and with Niall’s family but I needed to be alone for a little bit and get myself sorted. I pulled the key from my pocket as Niall insisted he take our bags. I flung the door open and he dragged our bags in behind him. I headed straight for my room and flopped face down on my bed. I didn’t even care how cold it was in my room from me not being here I just wanted to crash. I heard the wheels of my suitcase coming down the hallway and stopped once they reached my door. I didn’t even bother to look up when I felt the bed dip next to me.

“I am so so so tired.” I groaned into the pillows on my bed before finally looking up. Niall had pulled himself onto my bed and was stretched out on the opposite side from me.

“Same… Harry said he has a surprise for me but I just wanna sleep.” Niall groaned and looked over at me.

“A surprise?” I questioned pulling myself up into a sitting position so I was facing Niall. He nodded and looked up at me. I laughed and rolled my eyes at whatever it was Harry was planning. I flopped over so my head was resting on Niall’s stomach.

“Only Harry…” we both laughed and a quiet silence fell over us.

“I’m gonna nap right here.” I giggled as I cuddled into Niall’s stomach and I could feel the laugh vibrating through his body.

“Okay Als, me too.” He chuckled before he flipped us over so that he was the one cuddling into my stomach. But he was putting almost all of his weight onto me.

“Niall!” I screamed. “I can’t breatheeeee.” I whined. He burst into a fit of laughter but didn’t move. He just put more of his weight onto me and crushed my body further into the bed.

“NIALL JAMES HORAN I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON’T GET OFF ME…” I yelled struggling underneath him. He just laughed as I kicked my legs. He wrapped his arms around me in a bone crushing hug and finally let me go. He chuckled and rolled over to the other side of the bed.

“Naptime!” he said happily and I rolled my eyes before turning over and finally getting the nap I so desperately needed.


I woke up to the sound of someone banging on my bedroom door. I was about to get up and get it but out of the corner of my eye I noticed Niall was stumbling towards the door. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes as Niall pulled open the door.

“NIALL!” a high pitched voice screamed and I looked towards the door completely and utterly confused. That was definitely not Harry or any of the other boys like I would have expected it to be…

“Britt oh my god, what are you doing here?” Niall said instantly pulling her in for a hug.

“Surprise…” Harry said coming through my door and running towards me.

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