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Alli's P.O.V

I toyed with the necklace that now hung around my neck. It was a silver bow with a small pink diamond in the center. This was just one of the gifts that Niall had gotten me. I loved that boy but I was not impressed with him after all this... He had also gotten me matching earrings and some really cute clothes that Sam no doubt had a hand in picking out. But most of all, the trip to Australia. That had to be the biggest shock and surprise that I had ever gotten. It was supposed to be a surprise from him and Jace and I think that was what shocked me the most. I didn't know how I felt yet, I mean I was happy about it but it was hard to process things dealing with Jace right now. I had wandered up to the spare bedroom across from Niall's room. It had a window seat that I loved as a kid. I always wanted one but my room wasn't shaped right so dad couldn't put one there. But I needed to get away for a bit. I loved Niall's family, but it was all still really overwhelming.

I sat silently on the window seat watching the light snow fall to the ground. I absentmindedly twisted my necklace around as I watched. There was something almost calming about the snow. My phone started to vibrate on the ledge, breaking me from my thoughts. I smiled when I saw that it was Sam calling me.

"Hey!" I smiled as Sam's cheery voice came through the phone.

"Hey girl! How's Christmas with Mr. Horan?" she giggled and I laughed at her foolishness.

"Good good, how is yours going?"

"Oh, good! I'm going to see Har tomorrow, but I'm kinda nervous Al..." she drifted off on the other line.

"Why would you, of all people, be nervous?" Sam wasn't a shy person by any means.

"Because Alli, I have to meet his mum. What if she doesn't like me, what if I fuck up or say something stupid?" she rushed out. I burst at her now definite ridiculousness.

"Samantha Clark, you are the most genuine person I know, she will love you trust me." I could hear her sigh from the other end of the phone.

"I don't know, I feel like I'm going to mess up..."

"Sam you will be fine, I promise. Plus you are practically the female version of that idiot anyway!" I laughed and I heard Sam let out a small giggle.

"I guess so, this is just stressful. You got it easy, you've known Niall's mum most of your life."

"What does that mean..." I said in a skeptical tone.

"God Alli, you still haven't fessed up to your love for Niall..." she said her voice dripping in exaggeration and sarcasm.

"Oh hush up Samantha, you know I don't know what to do about it... I want to tell him but I don't think I'm ready..." I looked up to the snow falling down outside and sighed.

"I know, it's okay, we don't have to talk about it." She paused. "So what are doing?" she finished changing the subject so I wouldn't be more confused and uncomfortable.

"Oh, not much, taking a break from Niall's mum's party." I sighed and Sam knew that something was wrong.

"Alli, what's actually wrong?"

"I just really miss my family, like I don't know how I'm doing it." I mumbled the last bit. I honestly didn't know if I would make it through the holidays.

"Alli listen, you are strong, stronger than anyone I have ever met, and I know how hard this is for you, but I'm here for you if you need absolutely anything, okay?"

"Okay, tha-" but she cut me off before I could finish.

"And I'm not just saying that, like bitch if you need me at 3am or some shit like that, you better call me. Actually... you better call Harry because I definitely won't be awake..." I giggled at her and rolled my eyes. She really knew how to help when you needed it most. Although I had only know Sam for a little over a month, she had become one of my best friends and I have no clue what I would do without her. When we met we clicked instantly and ever since we had been super close. Her and Harry were exactly the same and I knew when I met Sam that they were perfect for each other.

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