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Alli’s P.O.V

I spent the next few days packing and making sure the flat was set for while we were gone. Our flight leaves at quarter after 5 in the morning on the 23rd of December and we don’t get back until late on the 29th. I had almost all of my packing done and gifts bought for Niall, his mum, Greg & Denise and Theo. All I had left to do was pack my make up, my curler and some of my hair products.

It was now half five in the evening and our flight leaves tomorrow morning. I decided to go check on Niall because last time I did, he had absolutely nothing packed. He was sat on his bed playing some stupid game on his Xbox. I pulled my suitcase to the door and left it there next to my other one so I knew where it was when it came time to leave. I headed back down the hall to see if Niall was close to being ready. Just as I was about to open the door, it was slammed shut in my face.

“Don’t come in, you’re not aloud to see.” Niall called from the other side of the door. “Give me like 10 minutes.”

“Well thanks for that…” I rolled my eyes “Are ya gonna let me in or?”

“I said 10 minutes.” I could hear the smugness in his voice.

“Ugh, fine.” I groaned and made my way back to my room. Once I got there I ran to my closet to see what comfy clothes I had left. I slipped into whatever I could find. It was an old oversize jumper that I think had been Niall’s or Jace’s and a pair of spandex shorts. I jumped on the bed and waited for Niall to come out. I curled into a ball under the covers and flicked through the channels on the TV. I finally landed on a Christmas special when I felt someone jump on my bed. I rolled over to see Niall perched on my pillows and grinning from ear to ear.

“What are you up to?” I questioned because I know he only has that look when he is up to something.

“What? Who me? Oh nothing, just packing.” He chuckled.

“Oh were ya now?”

“Yes as a matter of fact I was.” He smiled again. “Actually I was packing all of the gifts for mum and them. Maybe even yours but who knows.” He laughed and I groaned as his smile got bigger.

“Niall… remember what I said about gifts. I’m serious, I don’t want anything expensive.” I said sternly. He has spent more money on me than anyone has in a long time and I don’t like him spending it on me.

“I know, I know. You don’t need it, blah blah blah, that’s why I didn’t spend a wholeeee lot.” He dragged it out a bit more than he should have. I knew we had different ideas of expensive though. It wasn’t that I didn’t have the money, my family had always been a bit better off, but I just hated it when people spent money on me. I would rather him just give it to a charity or someone who actually needs it.

“So are ya all packed and ready to go for tomorrow morning?” I asked.

“Yeah, just a few more things and I’ll be ready.” He waved his hand dismissively and I rolled my eyes.

“You better not make us late Horan…” I said looking at him and pulling myself up from my cocoon of blankets

 "Wouldn’t dream of it.” He said batting his eye lashes, showing off his beautiful blue eyes that you would get lost in if you weren’t careful. I tore my gaze away and turned back to watch the TV.

 “Go finish ya packin’ and we can go somewhere for dinner or something” I said pulling the blankets tighter around me but not before I gave him a shove off my bed.

 “Fine” he grumbled and trudged off to his room. I laughed at his childishness and turned back to whatever Christmas film was on. I laughed as a typical Christmas scene played out on the screen in front of me.

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