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Alli's P.O.V

I ran up the all too familiar steps to Jacob's flat. I couldn't be bothered to take the lift with the anger and adrenaline that was coursing through my veins. Have you ever felt like your whole world was crashing down around you but you still held on to the slightest sliver of hope, thinking things may turn out okay. That was the way I felt as I neared his flat, although I knew the outcome was not going to be what I expected I still held on to that hope. On top of everything that had happened to me in the past few weeks and despite the fact that my 20th birthday is in two days, I cannot begin to explain how I am holding myself together.

When I reached his door I did not even bother to knock and wait, I barged through the door and flew through the flat until I saw his gut wrenching, sickening face looking straight at me. He had not changed much since I saw him last. He looked drunk as he usually was at this time and he had tattered old clothes on. He had bags under his eyes but I was glad that he had some discomfort after all the pain he caused me.

"Well well... that didn't take long now did it?" he smirked. "Who was it some hot little brunette? Or was it a little blondie that reminded him of you" he sneered at me. I stormed up to him and slapped him with all of the energy I could gather.

"You sick son of a bitch, where is my guitar?" I seethed as I backed up and took a look at what I had done. "What did you do with it" I yelled, pushing him back away from me. My anger grew every time his smirk got larger.

"I did what I should have done months ago. Should have snapped you out of your ridiculousness and into reality. Should have done it some time ago, but now it's gone." He chuckled to himself.

"What did you do..." I shook as I spoke, my voice cracking the slightest. I hoped that he hadn't noticed.

"I destroyed it Alli, you idiot. I told you that you made a mistake you stupid, immature little slut." He laughed as he closed the distance that I had now put between us. I backed up as much as I could but only ran into the wall and then he grabbed me before I could move any further.

"You are sick" I spat in his face as he grabbed onto my arms to hold me down. "You knew how much that meant to me, and me music, EVERYTHIN' I cannot believe you..." I hissed as tears brimmed my eyes. He shook my body to his attention.

"Don't you think I knew that? Why else would I have done it you bloody fool." He laughed as he threw me to the floor, only to give me ribs a kick. I tried to push away before he could do it again but he lunged forward and dragged me up by me neck.

"Oh look, the little princess doesn't get her fairytale. Well just to let you know, this is reality." He said and his grip was only tightening around my throat. A raspy breath escaped my lips as I tried to wiggle from his grip. "What's that? Am I hurting you love?" his grip got tighter and I was starting to feel dizzy.

"Stop... I ca...can't bre-" I choked out but I couldn't finish. My eyes started to flutter as I heard my name being called.

"Niall?" I breathed out as loud as I could. Thankfully it was enough for him to hear. I heard the pace of his footsteps get quicker as my eyes drooped closed.

"Alli? Alli, where ar- you son of a bitch" was all I heard come from his mouth before I felt my body go limp and hit the floor. I opened my eyes slightly and caught a glimpse of Niall on top of Jacob but my body couldn't move.

I stayed like a lifeless ragdoll on the floor of the flat. I did not have the energy to pull myself up and I was afraid of the pain that would be caused if I did. I was too shocked to do anything else but just stay there.

Once Niall finished with Jacob, he rushed to me to make sure I was okay. I could tell as he knelt down closer that his features were marked by worry and pain. My eyes were starting to flutter again but I couldn't tell if it was from pure exhausghtion or the events of today.

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