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Okay so this isn't a chapter but I just found out it is a possibility that the power could be out for a few days.....

*sighs heavily *

Ughhh and my phone is like entirely out of data so I'm basically shit out of luck unless I can get a bit of wifi at a friends house... And I can only charge my phone/iPad in my car and I don't want to freeze because it is so cold during this blackout.... This I going to suck so bad... So just stay with me and there will be a few updates once I get power back!
Anyway thank you so much for reading. I seriously thought that no one was going to read this and now there are like 30 people, likeeee what?? I swear ill update soon
Comment and vote and let me know what you think!!!
-Lisa xx

Every StormDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora