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Niall's P.O.V

I had only been back to my flat for about an hour or two before I decided to go get food. The boys and I had just gotten back from a release party for our new album Midnight Memories. I took out my phone to text Harry; I knew he would be up for getting food.

To: Harry is the bestest Styles

Hey mate, wanna grab some food?

I laid my phone down to pull on my coat. London had become rather cold as of late. I know it was almost the end of November but still why did it need to be this cold.

Mullingar was never this gross... I thought to myself. The minute I thought it though I wished a hundred times I could take it back. Alli and Jace. Jesus I had been a terrible friend to both of them and I wish I could have made it up to them. But management, damn management, would not allow much contact with anyone other than family. That was one of the biggest cons of this job.

 Don't get me wrong I loved this job. It has been my dream to travel the world and sing for people since I was a young child. But I would give up anything to have my two best friends back. It hurt me terribly to leave them and it just wasn't fair the price I had to pay to be doing what I love.

"BUZZZ BUZZ" the buzzing of my phone brought me out of my thoughts.

From Harry is the bestest Styles

Yeah, sure mate. Be quick though I'm hungry..."

I did not have to be told twice when it came to food. I met harry by the entrance to our building. He lived in the flat below mine and Liam lived in the one just down the hall. Louis and Zayn's flats were on the top floor of this building. It was nice having the boys so close. If you ever needed anything you could just run over to their place and chill for a bit.

"So where are you taking me on this late night date?" Harry smirked and his most famous dimples appeared on his face. 

"Where do ya think?" I said as if it should have been obvious. 



As I drove to Nando's, Harry was rambling about some girl he struck up a conversation with at the release party. 

"Mate, are you even listening to me? I won't stand being ignored on a date Niall James Horan..." Harry continued. 

"What? Oh yeah, her, yeah she seemed nice." Yeah, nice, that was a great word to describe the girl Harry had been flirting with. She reminded me of Alli to the point where it was unsettling. 

"Yeah, anyway what is on your mind because you have barely spoken a word since we got in this vehicle?" 

"Oh, it's nothing," I lied, "just thinking of home is all.” I let out a sigh and Harry knew exactly what I meant. 

"Mate listen, you are not making this easy on yourself. I know you miss Alli but there is nothing you can do. I am sure her and Jace are having the time of their lives here in London."

I knew he was right. There was nothing I could do management would have my head if I tried anything. Out of all the boys, Harry and Zayn had taken the most interest in my home life. All of them knew about Alli and Jace, but Harry and Zayn had helped me most with the guilt I felt and how much I missed them.

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