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Alli's P.O.V.

We were in such a rush as we pulled up to the airport. Harry had driven us from Niall's flat, where I had stayed the night and slept through most of the next day till we had to be ready to be at the airport. Niall did not want to leave his Range Rover at the airport for a week so Harry offered to drive us.

Yes we were going home for a week, although I had no clue where I would be staying. My parents and my younger brother Max had recently moved to the United States for dad's job. Mum had called me earlier today and told me that they were keeping the house in Mullingar, so I was welcome to stay there. That thought never really appealed to me, I hated being alone. I was glad to hear my mum's voice though. It had been so long since I seen her and after she heard about the accident she had called to make sure that I was okay. I reassured her that I was okay and that there was no need for her to fly back to the UK to be with me. I told her that I was with Niall and that he was taking care of everything. She sounded happy and I knew it was because she knew how much Niall had meant to me and she was happy that it was him looking after my and not the ass hole I call my boyfriend.

"Come on ya slow arse, we are going to miss our flight." Niall said picking me up and throwing me on his back. Harry took my bags and helped us get to the departure gate as fast as we could.

"Last call for flight 395 to Mullingar." The loud speaker boomed as we entered the waiting area.

Niall was talking to Harry about some nonsense and wasn't paying attention at all. Typical...

"Niall, seriously if we don't leave now, we will miss our flight." I said pointing to the gate.

He rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at me. I guess some things never change. Niall was always so carefree and happy go lucky that nothing bothered him. If he didn't have someone to kick him in the ass and tell him to get going he never would.

I walked over to where he and Harry were standing so I could say my goodbye to Harry.

I had taken a liking to Harry. I hadn't really met the other boys because I had been asleep when they came over, but Harry and Niall both assured me that I would love them all. Harry was one of the nicest people I had met. Although I had only met him the day before, it seemed as if he had a protective hold on me and he treated me as if I was his sister, even if I was the older one. When I asked him about it, he said it was because I reminded him of his sister, Gemma.

Harry pulled me in for a hug first.

"If you need anything, and I mean anything, I don't care what time of the day it is, you can call me, yeah?" he said looking me dead in the eyes. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and smiled.

"Thanks Harry, it means a lot." I gave him another quick squeeze then started to head towards the counter to show my boarding pass. As I turned to leave, I heard Harry whisper to Niall.

"She's back now mate, don't lose her again."

"I won't" Niall said. I could hear something in his voice, but I couldn't tell what it was.

He caught up with me and we handed the lady at the desk our boarding passes.

"Have a safe flight and enjoy the ride!" she said cheerily. We then boarded the plane and found our way to first class. Niall had booked the entire first class cabin in such short notice that I had no clue how he had done it, but I guess being part of the world's biggest band would help a little. We had the entire cabin to ourselves which was nice.

"Here it is" Niall said as he located our seats. There were two big, red and comfy looking seats next to each other.

"Thank God, I am ready to flop." It was 1 in the morning and I hadn't gotten much sleep.

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