Chapter Eleven

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  "Of course I do." Luke had admitted to liking me, and he had said it without a beat. After he had said it, I kind of stood there in silence, not knowing what to do. Eventually Michael called Luke to the living room after a few seconds and Luke left. And I heard Luke yell "Calum!?" as he left. But then a few seconds later, I heard laughing. I kind of just stood there for a minute or two, and eventually blue meowed, getting me out of my daze. I stayed in my room the rest of the night and the weekend avoiding the boys. They brought me food for every meal, mostly Ashton did and I stayed in my room, watching tv, reading books, and sleeping.This morning, I did the same, only I got up earlier and I left this morning for classes. This morning I had Statistics, a math course, and a Creative Writing Class. I was sitting in my Statistics class, and those four words were swirling around my head, getting louder and louder each time I said them in my mind. 

"Of course I do." Luke Hemmings, a famous celebrity going on tour liked me. Wasn't he going on his second tour

"Miss Charlie." Mr. Lunswick said, snapping me out of my daze. I looked up and he gave me a disapproving Luke--look. God damn, this boy is getting into my head. "Can you please tell me the answer to number five?"

".25" I typed and Mr. Lunswick looked to his answer sheet and he nodded. I had actually done the first five problems in class, so thankfully I knew that one.

"Correct. Next time, don't look like you are off in la la land, okay?" I nodded and went back to my paper. Over the next thirty minutes of the class, I actually paid attention, and everything was fine. Then, class ended, and I walked over to my Creative Writing class, which was halfway across the campus. Convenient. There was a note on the door.

"Class is canceled. Couldn't find a decent sub for you amazing writers. I am sick. See you in two days!"- Mrs. Lindenburg. I sigh and sit on a bench near the classroom and look at my phone. It is only noon. I have nothing else to do, so I could probably go back home to the boys. I sighed and walked to my car, which was by the Statistics classroom. I got in and drove home, pushing Luke out of my mind. For a guy I didn't like in that way, he was on my mind a lot for some reason. I mean yea, he was nice, and cute, but I hadn't been in a good relationship....ever. So the thought of actually having a boyfriend who was good to me, scared the shit out of me. Besides, people may think I am pretty on the outside, but then on the inside I am ugly. If Luke were to be my boyfriend, he would realize that so many things are wrong with me, and then leave me. Everyone else does that, which is why I know living with these boys is only going to go on for a few weeks. 

I got to the house. I walked up to the door, seeing if it was locked, and it wasn't. The boys must be in the house. I open the door and walk into the living room.

"Oh hey Charlie." Ashton says calmly and smiles at me. "Your home early. I thought you said your classes ended at 2?" This morning I had told Ashton my classes and when I would be home. He is the only one I have spoke to since the whole incident thingy, partly because he is always at my doorway when I want to leave and when I walk out into the kitchen to get food. And he delivers me random food sometimes.

"Class got out early. My teacher is sick and couldn't find a sub. Class canceled." I typed and smiled. I started walking to my room but Ashton interrupted me.

"No wait, don't go. I know your super uncomfortable with this whole Luke liking you thing and being in a house with four boys, but you have to trust me when I say we would never do anything to hurt you. Luke liking you is no big deal." 

"I have never had a guy liking me without wanting to hurt me. And I have never had a positive boyfriend/girlfriend relationship." I typed leaning against the wall.

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