Chapter Thirty Two

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  "Luke! Luke turn around, I'm here!" I hear a voice say and Luke raises his eyebrows. He stands up from the picnic table and I stand with him. We both turn around in a weird unison to reveal a girl with blonde hair and green eyes. 

​​​​​ "Samantha?" Luke asks in shock. The girl, now known as Samantha, nods and runs to Luke and hugs him. Luke laughs happily and wraps his arms around her. The stay there for a while, completely ignoring me. During their impossibly long hug, people start gathering around, taking pictures, pointing to the pair hugging, and then pointing to me. 

"That's Luke's new girlfriend," I heard them say.

"He never liked that Charlie girl, she was just a distraction for him so that he could get over Samantha. Now that Samantha is back, he's going to get rid of Charlie, she was never good for him anyway. Too much self pity for herself," somebody said. I turned around to see that they all had the same face. 

They all had the face of Samantha.

"Luke doesn't like you!" Samantha said as she stopped hugging Luke. Luke looked confused as to why everyone looked like her, and then all of a sudden he started to dissolve. 

"Charlie! Help!" Luke said and started reaching out to me. I tried to take a step to Luke, but I couldn't. My feet were being held down to the ground by four hands, two on each leg. I tried to move but the grips on my legs got even stronger. Luke reached out to me, and I tried to reach too, but our arms weren't long enough, and there was about a foot of distance between our arms. Luke started to dissolve at an alarming pace, and soon half of his body was gone.

"Luke no!" I yell, and soon Luke is completely gone. tears stream down my face as I look around and see dozens of copies of Samantha's around me. They all have the same malicious grin on their face.

"You couldn't save him, you couldn't save Luke. Just like he couldn't save me. Now he can't save you while we sit here and torture you. How sad," the lead Samantha says. She takes step towards me, and I started screaming. My body starts to burn as more and more hands grab my and start stretching and pulling me. 

"Charlie! Charlie stop!" Samantha says, but her voice is the voice of Luke's now, not a female voice.

"Charlie! Wake up!" Luke says as he violently shakes me awake. With a scream, I wake up and sit up, nearly colliding my head with Luke's. I open my eyes all the way and see that I am sitting in my bed, with Blue curled up next to me, looking up at me as if I annoyed her with my nightmare. Luke keeps his hands on my shoulders as he looks at me with his face full of worry.

"You were screaming 'Luke, no!' so I rushed in here, thinking something was wrong. It was just a dream though," Luke said and I nod, taking a deep shaky breath.

"Yea, uh..sorry," I say and run a hand through my hair. I look past Luke to see that all three of the boys are standing by my door with worried looks on their face. 

"Do you wanna tell me what that dream was about?" Luke asks, and gently grabs my hand and holds it in his. I nod softly and take a deep breath. 

"I,uh, I had a dream where you and I were on our date at the picnic table, eating, when all of a sudden Samantha showed up and you guys were hugging, and people were pointing and saying you were going to leave me for her now and you never liked me because I was just a distraction. Then all over a sudden there were like one hundred Samantha's, and you uh, dissolved and they started clawing at me and stuff," I said. I purposely didn't tell Luke about the part where Samantha said that Luke couldn't save her and that stuff, because I knew that would just make him feel bad and I didn't want that at all. 

"Wow, that's quite a dream," Luke says and I nod "but don't worry it was just a dream okay? I'm never going to disappear, and as long as you are with me, you will never be hurt." 

"Luke, maybe you should stay with Charlie for the rest of the night," Ashton says, speaking up and taking a step forward. "Her mind is going to make her feel more safe with you in the same bed with her tonight."

"I promise we won't make any Keek videos of it in the morning!" Calum says like an innocent child and I laugh slightly. Luke and I both nod in agreement at that. 

"Yea, I'll stay with her, you want that right?" Luke asks and I nod with a soft blush. Luke smiles, and so does Ashton. Soon all three boys have walked out of the room and Luke and I are left. Luke stays there, sitting on my bed, and holding my hand, and I can tell that he is thinking about saying something.

"What caused that dream? Was it because the guys and I are leaving in three weeks to go back on tour? Did something happen at college today, I know it was your first day back, and you told me it went fine and you were glad to be back, but did somebody say something to you? If they did-"

"Luke, no stop. College is nothing like high school, okay? There are no mean girl situations. Nobody said anything at college, and today was a really good day back," I say, and that was one hundred percent the truth. I really did enjoy being back in college. Thankfully in college, being gone for a week doesn't mean you are behind in ten class assignments and three projects like it does in high school. I just missed a few notes, and my papers are still due next week. 

"Than what was it? Is it because we are leaving soon? Are you scared of that?"

"A little..." I admit. "I was kind of thinking about that all throughout my English class. I couldn't really write my paper that well because I wasn't thinking. At one point I wrote down on my paper 'Luke's leaving soon'."

"Are you scared that once we leave you won't feel safe?" He asks and I nod. It had hit me today during English that there was only about three and a half weeks left before he leaves, then after that I move back into my apartment. What if my apartment has been vandalized or something, or somebody tries to hurt me in my apartment?

"What if I move back into my apartment and I don't feel safe?"

"Then you call me. You may call me during a concert, but any other time, I will pick up okay? I'm not leaving you, you will be safe as long as I am in your life okay? I may not be physically next to you, but you will always be safe okay?" Luke says and I nod. "I will make sure you are safe there okay? I've got a friend who needs an apartment, he's moving to LA to do some film stuff, and I told him about the apartment next to yours. He gets here to LA in like four days, we can meet him then okay? he's really nice, and he's agreed to watch out for you when you move back in, since you two will be right across the hall from each other."

"He would do that for me?" I ask in surprise.

"He is one of my best friends, he knows how much I like you and how much I want you to be happy. he would do anything for me since we are really good friends, and if it means watching the girl I really like, then he will do it."

"Okay, that's really sweet. What's his name?" 


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