Chapter Twenty Nine

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A/N: This is direct pick up from the last chapter! I hope you enjoy!
There is a nice silence between Luke and I as we walk for the next minute or so. I see a sign that points straight ahead for the top of the hill, to y right to go down into the valley, and to the left to go to a picnic area and rest area. It's been about a thirty minute walk so far, but I am not really tired. I see a sign for bathrooms and water pointing left, and the only thing I can think of is Luke needing to use the bathroom. It doesn't look like either of us need to stop though, so we keep moving. A few feet past the signs, a fan runs up to Luke with a huge smile on her face and a few tears in her eyes. Luke and I stop and Luke smiles at the girl.

"Hi, I hate to bother you, I know you are having a nice time with this girl, but I was just wondering if I could have a quick picture? I love your band and I am so excited for the album to come out, I saw you guys at the Forum and it was the best night of my life. Could I just get a quick picture with you?" She asks.

"That's so sweet!" Luke says happily and then nods "Yea we can get a picture!" He says with a smile on his face.

"I can take the picture for you if you would like," I say and the girl turns to me with a grateful smile on her face. Luke puts the basket down on the ground behind him and looks to me. 

"Really? Thank you!" She says and hands me the phone. The camera app is already open and I know what to do since it is the same exact phone as mine. The girl goes to Luke and stands next to her. She is about a foot shorter than him, so Luke bends down just a little bit and puts his arms around her waist. The girl puts her arm around Luke's waist too, and after a few seconds I take the picture and take another one just for safe measures. 

"Okay there you go!" I say with a smile on my face and hand the phone back to the young girl. She walks toward me and grabs her phone then turns towards Luke again.

"Thank you so much!" She says and Luke nods.

"No problem! What was your name? You never told it to me?" Luke asked.

"It's Meredith," the girl says happily. 

"Meredith...that's a really pretty name," Luke compliments and Meredith's face lights up again and her smile grows ever bigger than what I thought was humanly possible.

"Thank you!" Meredith says and hugs Luke. "I should get going and let you get back to hanging out with her," Meredith says politely and walks away. uke says goodbye to her as she walks away and turns to me happily.

"I love doing things like that," Luke says and we continue walking again once Luke picks the picnic basket up off of the ground. 

"Yea, you were really sweet to that girl," I say and chuckle.

"What? She's a fan," Luke says and I nod.

"No yea I know that but I am just laughing a little at how sweet and excited she was. I've seen some fans come up to you guys and completely disregard me and not seem excited to take a picture at all."

"Yea those fans are kind of weird, but I smile for their pictures anyway. I remember meeting Alex and Jack from All Time Low, I was a mess of tears and I could barely talk," Luke says.

"Luke you met them a week and a half ago."

"I know! It was awesome, and now we are writing with them! That's even more awesome!" Luke says excitedly.

"You are so cute when you are excited," I say with a giggle.

"Aw thanks, it is a gift of mine," luke says and we both laugh. We walk in silence for again for a few minutes and Luke catches me off guard when his left hand grabs my right hand and intertwines our fingers together. I look down at our hands with a small smile and continue walking with Luke.

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