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        "Hey Charlie, baby, wake up," a familiar voice said as a gentle hand shook my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head to the left to see Luke sitting on the bed with a smile.
        "You looked a little troubled in your sleep so I thought I'd wake you up. We're you having a nightmare?" He asked and I shook my head with a small smile on my face.

        "No. I was having a good dream. I was dreaming of the night you proposed to me."

        "Oh so that's why you had the troubled look on your face. When I asked you to marry me, you almost said no at first."

        "Yes, but then I realised how crazy in love with you I was and how we'd been dating for 2 crazy years. I knew it was the perfect time to get married,"I said and felt something jump on the bed and looked to the foot of our bed to see Blue jump onto the bed, and a second later, our dog Moose jumped onto the bed with a goofy grin on his face. Blue looked to Moose with an annoyed face and curled up by my feet. Luke and I had only had Moose for a month, so Blue was still getting used to him. Moose didn't understand that Blue was a cat, and not a corgi like him, which had earned him a few cat slaps from Blue.

        "Now, ten months later I'm stuck with a baby corgi as a child and not a real child to raise," Luke teased and patted Moose on the head.

        "Well you'll just have to wait a few more months for the real baby to come," I said with a small smile on my face. Luke froze and looked over to me, with a confused look on his face.

        "What's that supposed to mean?" Luke asked as I got off the bed and walked to our master bathroom. I didn't answer his question, instead getting my brush and brushing my hair with a sly smile on my face. Luke quickly got off the bed and ran over to where I was brushing my hair.

        "No, you can't ignore me like that!" Luke said with a laugh and I looked to him and raised my eyebrows.

        "Who said I was ignoring you? We've been married for three months, I can't start ignoring you this soon. Usually married couples start ignoring each other about ten years after marriage."

        "Haha very funny. You never answered my question though babe!"

        "Could you reach into that drawer next to your right hip?" I asked, pointing to the drawer which usually held miscellaneous things such as bandages, hair ties, toothpaste tubes and other objects. Today, it held two positive pregnancy tests in it, along with all the other objects. One was a simple test that said yes or no if I was pregnant, and one was a test that said yes or no, and told me how far along I was. According to that test, I was pregnant and eight weeks along.

        "What? Why? You don't need anything from that drawer, you don't have a cut!"

        "There are hair ties in there babe. Please get me one," I asked him again and went back to brushing my hair. Luke started at me for a few seconds, probably getting a little frustrated with me and then let out an exasperated sigh.

        "Fine... but don't think you're getting away with this," Luke said and opened the drawer, "what color hair tie-"

        "A blue one please," I told Luke and looked over to him. He was frozen and staring down at the two positive pregnancy tests. "What?" I asked him, a smile spreading across my face.

        "Are... a-are these your pregnancy tests?" Luke asked and picked them up, then walked over towards me.

        "No. They are the cats pregnancy tests. Of course they're mine! I'm pregnant Luke!" I said with a huge smile on my face. Most women would've been scared to see their husbands reaction but I knew Luke wanted to be a father. Even though we were both barely only 21 years old, we were fit to be parents.

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