Chapter Thirteen

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Things had been going good with the boys. It had been two days since Luke and I's kiss, and things were getting more comfortable with the boys and Luke. We were all out in the city of L.A today exploring and having fun. My class for Creative Writing was canceled again since the professor was still sick. I had the whole afternoon off again. We were at this huge restaurant and I was a little bit uneasy because of the loud noises and all the people in here. But all the boys were with me and we were in our own little corner, instead of in the middle of the restaurant. Luke had actually requested that we not being in the middle of the room, because all those people around us would have scared me. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I grabbed my phone. It was a random number. I decide to answer it and stood up and walked out. There were too many people towards the front door, so I walked out the back door, out to the back of the restaurant. I answered it and then realized I couldn't talk. If it was a telemarketer then that wouldn't matter. 

I was silent for a few seconds, hoping somebody on the other line would answer. But nobody did for a minute.

"I can't believe you fell for that." A familiar voice said. I immediately started looking around and drop my phone. James come out from around the corner, and for every step he takes towards me, I step back. 

"Your even dumber than I remember. You walked out here all alone in the back alley of this place, whatever the hell it is. I can't believe you. You really have gotten too comfortable with this world." With one large step, he was inches away from me. I couldn't back up anymore. My back was on a wall of some building. I didn't know if it was the restaurant of a different building right next to the restaurant. I took a deep breath and tried to push against James. He had gotten even stronger though, and my pushes were useless. He pinned me against the wall and I let out a loud, scared whimper.

"I really do need to teach you about this world. You have gotten too happy and comfortable. Your mine and I won't let you be comfortable." I closed my eyes and tried to ignore him, and tried to kick, but it was no use. James used his body to pin me to the wall even harder and I let out a yelp of pain. He ignored me and started placing wet, horrible sloppy kisses on my neck. With every kiss, he kissed harder, and started sucking on my skin.

I wanted to puke, and crawl out of my skin. My wrists were hurting badly from how hard he was holding me against the wall. I started to scream, trying to get anybody's attention, but James shut me up by using one of his hands to cover my mouth. His other hand was holding both of my wrists harshly, even more hard than before. Where were the boys? I had a button up blouse on, and James-uncovered my mouth, placing his mouth on mine, and started quickly unbuttoning my shirt. I couldn't believe this was happening. The one time I decide to answer a mystery number, it is James. How did he even find me?

James threw my shirt on the ground, and the wind blew against my bare skin. My bra was lace pink, and James smiled at the sight of it.

"Still so innocent." He said roughly before bringing his gross lips to me neck. he was sucking hardly, and I let out a loud whimper. He was hurting me, but he didn't are. My eyes were shut, and I had given up my protests. I heard yelling, and then I heard a door open. 

"Shit" James said, right before someone pulled him off of me. I immediately sunk to the ground, my own legs not strong enough to hold me. I was shaking uncontrollably and tears were pouring out of my eyes. I couldn't breathe and I felt like the world was swallowing me. I heard someone take a few steps towards me, and felt them touch my back. I screamed when that person touched my back. Who was it? I heard the familiar sound of someone's fist connecting with a jaw, and then I heard someone fall to the ground. I wasn't going to open my eyes this time. The world was swallowing me whole, I couldn't open my eyes. I started getting light headed as my breathing got quicker and quicker. 

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