Chapter Eighteen

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"So wait, I am confused. Who is Abigail Breslin?" I type into the phone.

"Just one of the girls Michael went out on a date went a few months ago. He said he anted to be just friends with her and she acted like he lead her on for sex or something" Luke answered.

"Dude, she is writing a fucking song about me!" Michael said with a laugh. You could tell he wasn't mad, he just thought the whole situation was funny.

"Hey watch your mouth! Just because you have a crazy old girl chasing after you doesn't mean you can cuss!" Ashton said and laughed. We had all been sitting here for at least thirty minutes, when it occurred to me that I didn't know who Abigail Breslin was. So I asked. And now we were back on the topic of Abigail Breslin.

"She is just jealous man. That you said you weren't looking for a serious relationship and you just wanted to be friends" Luke said. Michael nodded and leaned back onto the couch, a smile on his face. He definitely was not mad about this.

Well, if she is friends with Taylor Swift like she says, that song will probably be terrible." Ashton murmured. We all looked to him and broke out laughing. "It's true though. Most of her songs are the same." Ashton added. Well, he was clearly not a T-Swizzle fan. 

"We should go swimming guys." Calum says abruptly, throwing us all off.

"Yea! I agree!" Michael says and gets up. Ashton follows him, and so does Calum, and soon the three of them are gone to change into their swim suits.

"Do you want to go swimming?" Luke asks. I shake my head and look down at the ground. The only bathing suit I had was a two piece one, and I wasn't comfortable in that yet. I had gotten it form some lady at my apartment building. I wasn't comfortable in a bikini in front of four boys. Luke nodded and kissed my cheek.

"I am going to go get changed. You can just got sit outside and watch us if you wanted." I nod, and stand up with Luke, who walks to his bedroom. I grab my phone, that is sitting on the couch, and walk outside. It is a really now sunny day, as usual in Los Angeles. There are no clouds in the sky and the sun is harshly bearing down on us here in L.A. I sit down in one of the pool chairs under a shade and smile. there is a slight breeze, which feels amazing. It is kind of rare since L.A. is rarely ever hot with a breeze, There is usually never a breeze. Maybe mother nature it feeling pity on us in L.A. today.
After a minute or two, Michael comes running out in a black swimsuit with a towel. he smiles when he sees me, and walks over to me.

"You aren't swimming?"

"I only have a bikini. Not ready to wear that yet."

"That's cool. I get it." Calum walks out in swim shorts that are black, with a few white strips on the side. The boys must like black because everything they wear is black, with exception of a few band shirts. Ashton walks out next in navy blue swim shorts, followed by Luke, whose swim shorts are blue and white. Michael jumps into the pool after a few seconds, splashing water everywhere. Thankfully I was wearing shorts because my feet got wet, and if I were wearing jeans my jeans would have gotten a little wet. Ashton laughs as Michael cannonballs, and makes a huge splash. The boys get in one by one and started laughing and swimming around. I decide to put my feet in the water, so I get up, walk over to the pool and sit down, putting my feet, and part of my legs into the water. It felt really good especially since the sun was out and it was hot. Thankfully the sun was starting to go down, so it was getting a little cooler, but not by much. Ashton gets out so he can jump back in, because for some reason they are playing a game where they get out and just jump back in. The game is kind of pointless, but the boys don't care. They think it's hilarious. 

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