Chapter Thirty Six

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Something was licking my face, and it was wet, slobbery and gross. It wasn't Luke because Luke was a very good kisser, and he was probably still asleep next to me on the bed. I opened my eyes to see a white dog on top of my chest, my bare chest and licking my face. I gasp loudly from seeing some random dog on my chest, licking me and push it off of me and slip a shirt on. I put my shorts on and get out of bed and walk quickly to Calum's bedroom. The door is open, and other than my bedroom door, it is the only door open. I barge into Calum's room and see him sprawled out on the bed, passed out. I don't bother to carry the dog anymore and I toss the small dog onto Calum's bare chest. He groans as the dog starts licking his face and stands on his his chest.

"What the hell?" He groans and looks at the dog on his chest. "Oh shit...." he says as he sees the dog.

"Next time keep your door closed, the stupid thing woke me up, and Blue is probably under the bed scared by that ugly thing," I say as the white , scruffy dog climbs off of Calum's chest and sits down next to him. Calum rubs his eyes and looks at his clock, seeing it is only eight in the morning. He sighs and sits up.  

"'s a long story how we got the dog, but I'll return it to Alex's house today. We got kind of drunk last night, so I must have taken him or something," Calum says and I nod.

"Yea I don't care about how you got him, just return it. I don't like being woken up by wet, gross dog licks on my-" 

"Hey why are you wearing Luke's shirt?" Calum said and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Because he gave it to me."

"Why though? You have your own wouldn't need that unless you had to throw something on in a rush to get to my room, and you wouldn't be in a rush if you already had clothes on.... I know I am hungover and stuff, but I'm still smart enough to know why you have Luke's shirt on. You and Luke had s-"

"Shut up!" I say and clamp my hand over Calum's mouth quickly and look around as if somebody might be listening. "What Luke and I do is none of your business! Plus, I don't want to whole house to hear!" Calum looks at me with amused eyes and before I can pull my hand away from his mouth, he sticks his tongue out and licks my hand. I let out a shriek of disgust and wipe my hand on Calum's cheek as he sits there laughing. To make it worse, I lightly smack him on the side of the head, but since he is hungover it must feel like a hard punch. He groans as I do so and flops back down onto the bed. 

"Whyyyyy did you do that?" He groans and holds onto his head "My head is pounding now!" He complains and I chuckle.

"You licked me you dick. I'll go get you an advil though," I say and walk out of Calum's room, leaving him laying on his bed, clutching his head. I walk into the kitchen, unaware of the dog following behind me. I go to the far left cabinet in the kitchen and get out two advil pills. As I turn around my feet comes into contact with something small and furry and I hear it let out a yelp of surprise. I immediately look down and roll my eyes. The stupid dog had followed me out of Calum's room and now I had just kicked it in the stomach. Stupid dog.

I lean down to pet the dog as an apology and then get Calum a glass of water. I don't worry about the house being woken up from the loud yelp by the dog, because the doors are closed to Michael and Ashton's room, and if they are as hungover as Calu is, then that means they aren't waking up. 

Paying close attention to the dog, making sure as I walk back to Calum's room that I don't step on it or kick it, I get into Calum's room successfully without hurting the dog. I see Calum is still in the same position as I enter and I walk over to him and tap his elbow to let him know his Advil has arrived. He slowly removes his hands from his eyes and sits up, grabbing the pills and water out of my hand and downing the pills within a few seconds.

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