Chapter Twenty Two

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 Cute Cake gif. Sorry I couldn't resist. 


 "Oh my god is this going to become a regular thing? Because I'd rather not walk in and see my best friend shirtless with a girl cuddling him," Ashton complained and my eyes shot open. I looked to Ashton and looked around Luke's room. My phone was sitting on the bed stand and I grabbed it and turned it on. Ashton stood there impatiently as Luke kept sleeping. 

"I honestly don't even remember falling asleep in here."

"Ew gross! Don't tell me that, just wake Luke up. We are all going out to breakfast!" Ashton started walking away and then he stopped and turned to me "If you are okay with that," he asked me and I nodded. I looked to Luke and decided to not be nice and push him off the bed. It took me a few tries but I finally managed to push Luke off the bed and onto the floor. He landed on the floor with a thud and a few seconds later he groaned. Ashton was still in the room to see my push Luke off and he was now laughing like crazy.

"Guys what the hell?" He asked and then sat up. His eyes landed on me and his mouth dropped opened. "Don't tell me you were the one who pushed me," he said and I just giggled and nodded. Luke sent me a playful glare and then stood up, deciding that the floor wasn't good enough for him. 

"Just stop complaining and get dressed. You got to sleep with a girl cuddled into your side," Ashton said and walked out.  

"Just because you had to break up with your girlfriend before we left Australia last year does not mean you can be bitter! You could've stayed with her! Don't be a dick," Luke yelled to Ashton as he walked away. A weird duck/pig sounding noise was heard at the end of the hallway, and it sounded like Ashton so I could only guess Ashton made that sound because he didn't want Luke to be right. It's not like a sound could've stopped Luke from being right though. It's not that I thought Luke was right too, because I didn't know them when they lived in Australia, but I couldn't help but feel sorry for Ashton. Did he really have a girlfriend that he broke up with because he had to come to America? Did he not think long distance relationships could work? I had never had a long distance relationship but I still would've given it a try. 

Luke snaps me out of my thoughts by literally snapping in my face. I yelp slightly out of surprise and get the hint to get up. I stand up and walk out of Luke's room and go into my room. Blue gives me yet another look of disapproval and ignore it and go to my closet. I decide that I want to wear all black and pick out a black lace blouse and black skinny jeans. Once I am done dressing I walk out into the living room and go over to the area where we put all of our shoes. I don't understand why we put all of our shoes by the door with our jackets, but it must be something they do in Australia. 

"Where are we going?" I type and sit down next to Michael who is already dressed and ready to go. Michael and I are the only one's in the living room ready to go. 

"I think we are going to this little bakery and cafe place. Apparently Calum says they serve famous pancakes and famous bacon. He's been begging us to go there so we finally are. The thing is though, they close in like an hour a half because they are open for breakfast and dinner only. So we have to hurry up!" He said, yelling the hurry up part. I chuckle and nod, Michael seems to be either really hungry or really cranky today. Hopefully he is just hungry and not cranky, I've never had to deal with a cranky Mikey. I don't really want to either. 

Ashton runs out of his room after a few seconds and sit down next to me, with his shoes in his hands.
"I'm ready!" He says excitedly after he finishes tying up his shoe laces on his black shoes. Calum walks out nonchalantly after a few seconds and grabs his shoe from the shoe area. He puts them on and then smiles at Michael.

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