A Month Later

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*A month later*

        It's been a month since Ryan and I slept together. Tour will be over in about a month and I couldn't be happier. I couldn't wait to sulk in my house.

        A little update for y'all. I've been really tired lately. I don't really know why. I just am exhausted and it seems like I can never get enough sleep. I could sleep for 20 hours and still wake up exhausted. At first, I blamed it on tour getting to me. But the exhaustion has never been this bad before.

        "I'm gonna go to bed, guys." I told them. They all looked at the clock and back at me.

        "Jacky, it's 9 o'clock." Ronnie told me.

        "I know. I'm just tired." I replied.

        "Are you feeling alright?" Ron asked me. I nodded and headed off to bed. I just stripped down to my boxers and climbed into bed. Slowly, I drifted off to sleep.

        I woke up in the middle of the night, my stomach aching like crazy. I wrapped my arms around my midsection and sat up a bit, hoping to ease the queasiness. It felt a little bit better so I went to lay down again, but my stomach was not happy with that one bit. It flipped and I quickly and quietly got out of my bunk.

        I ran to the trashcan in the kitchen and vomited my guts into it. I tried my best to remain quiet, and so far it had worked. Until I felt a hand come down on my back and start rubbing. I dry heaved into the trash and coughed. I looked up to see that it was Derek that had joined me.

        "Are you alright?" He whispered. I nodded and coughed one more time. "Are you sure?"

        "I probably just ate something my tummy didn't agree with." I told him and shrugged.

        "Are you gonna be ok for the show later?" He asked me.

        "Of course. Just don't tell Ronnie." I said, quickly. If Derek told Ronnie, then I'd be screwed. He'd get a replacement and make me stay here and rest. Preforming is what made me happy. If I didn't have that, I didn't have anything.

        "Alright. But if you still feel sick again, tell us." He replied and went off to bed. I quickly brushed my teeth and cleaned out my mouth before going back to bed myself.

        In the morning, I felt a lot better. We were all hyped because it was gonna be one of our most crowded shows. It was a really big deal to all of us. We went out and did a sound check, getting everything ready for tonight. I noticed that Derek kept looking at me, like he was waiting for me to puke again.

        After the sound check, we all went back to get ready. We all got dressed and played around until the show.


        It's almost time for the show and I'm backstage, puking into a metal trashcan. Ronnie is behind me, rubbing my back, and Derek is beside me holding my hair out of the way. Tears formed in my eyes and I choked a bit.

        "Are you alright?" Derek asked. I nodded before heaving into the can again. "Obviously not." He grumbled. Ronnie handed me a napkin and I wiped my mouth off. I smiled at them but kept myself over the trashcan since I still felt sick. It was kinda awkward considering there was a lot of people around.

        "I think I'm alright now." I lied. I started leaning back up but went immediately back down. If I moved again, I'd surely vomit.

        "I told you not to come last night." Derek told me.

        "Wait! He was sick like this last night?" Ronnie asked. We both nodded, and I gagged. Ronnie sighed, angrily. "Why didn't you tell me?"

        "He didn't want me to. He said that he was fine." Derek explained.

        "And I was, but-" I was cut off, coughing up more water and bile. They went back to trying to comfort me by rubbing my back and whatnot. Once I was finished, I continued. "But I started feeling sick when we got here."

        "Well, you can't go out there like this." Ronnie told me.

        "Why not?" I mumbled.

        "Why not?! Why not?! Look at you. You're vomiting like crazy. If you went out there, you'd get sick and puke all over the fans." Ronnie shouted at me. I knew he was right, but I still wanted to preform. I finally gave up and nodded to him.

        "I'll go get the manager on the phone and have him get the replacement for tonight. We'll have to tell the fans to wait about 15 minutes." Derek told Ronnie.

        "I'll get him back to the bus and then come back." Ronnie said. "You ok to start walking back now?" He asked me. I nodded and we started walking  back.

        Once we got back to the bus, he helped me out of my pants and shoes and I laid down on the couch. After a while, I was drifting off to sleep when my phone went off. The caller I.D. said Ronnie, I answered. "Hello?" I greeted.

        "Jacky! The fans wanted to say something." He said. I heard all the guys yell "Get well soon!" and I smiled.

        "Thanks guys." I replied.

        "Bye. Rest up." Ronnie told me and hung up. This is why I love all of them, I thought as I fell asleep.

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