Derek, Put The Baseball Bat Down

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Ryan's P.O.V.

        "Damn fucking right I'm gonna kill you!" I heard Derek say really loudly from the doorway. I'm dead, I'm dead. He's gonna kill me and then I'm gonna be dead. Oh god.

        "Derek, calm down. It's alright." Ron told him, gently.

        "Fuck no! I'm not gonna calm down. He knocked my friend up. Male or not, I'm gonna hurt the bastard!" Derek seethed. I was about to jump out the window and run for the hills because he looked ready to kill me. I jumped up and had my back against the bunks.

        "I can explain." I whispered, fear coursing through my voice.

        "Then explain." He demanded.

        "We were drunk and didn't know what we were doing." I plead to him.

        "Not good enough." He hissed and lifted up a baseball bat. Where the hell did he get that? I'm dead. Good bye everyone, see ya. He smacked me in the arm and I whined. "Whine like the bitch you are, Seaman!"

        "Derek, put the baseball bat down." I heard a soft British voice say.

        "But-" Derek started.

        "No. Put it down." Jacky said firmly. Derek huffed but put the baseball bat down. "We need to all calm the fuck down, please." He whined. "I can deal with this."

        "You don't seem very shocked that I'm the dad of your kid." I told him and he went bright red. "You knew, didn't you? You knew that I was the dad." He nodded and Derek looked like he was ready to explode. I was waiting for fire and Derek to fly everywhere.

        "You fucking knew and didn't tell us?!" He screeched at Jacky. Jacky nodded again and cringed back. "Why didn't you tell us? This was an important detail to everything and you didn't even tell us! Didn't even tell him!" He scolded.

        "I didn't want anything bad to happen. Like you killing him or him shutting me out! Ever thought about that, Derek!" Jacky yelled back at him, tears filling his eyes. Everything got really silent, almost like time stopped for a second. We all hated when each other cried, because we were family. And now Derek made Jacky cry.

        "Jacky-" Derek started.

        "I think I'm gonna be sick." Jacky cut him off and left the room quickly. I glared at Derek.

        "Goddammit, Derek." I mumbled and followed Jacky. He was sitting on the couch holding his stomach, a steady stream of tears going down his face. I sat next to him and tapped his knee. He looked at me and flung himself into my arms. I held onto him and let him cry into my shoulder. His little figure shook as he made little sobbing noises.

        "I'm so sorry. I didn't know it would happen. I'm sorry." He whimpered.

        "Don't apologize sweetie. Just shush. You're getting yourself worked up. Shush, stop crying. You're gonna make yourself sick if you don't stop." I kept repeating over and over again, rubbing his back. I kissed the top of his hair and he pulled away. "Now, if you get the comb, I'll comb your hair." I told him and he went off to get it. Coming back, he sat down in front of me and I combed his hair. I noticed the guys come in and leave the bus so we could have some time.

        After about 5 minutes of combing his hair, he stopped my hand and came back up on the couch with me. I looked into his big blue eyes as he looked into my dark brown. "Will you leave me?" He whispered.

        "Of course not. I would never leave you. You're having my kid, I'm not leaving you. I'll stay by your side when you have morning sickness, I'll rub your feet and back when they get sore, I'll run to the store at 3 in the morning because you want ice cream or pickles." He giggled. "I'm gonna be here. I don't run away from my mistakes." His face dropped.

        "You don't understand." He told me, getting up.

        "What?" I questioned.

        "You don't fucking understand!" He yelled at me and left the bus. All the guys came in and glared at me. I put my head in my hands and sighed.

        "What did you do to him?" Ronnie hissed at me.

        "I don't know. I was just talking and he said that I didn't understand. I don't know what happened." I told them, my voice almost whiny.

        "What were you talking about?" Ron asked.

        "He asked me if I was gonna leave him, I said no and that I would stay by him." I said.

        "Anything else?" Derek grumbled. These guys were really mad at me.

        "I said the things I'd do for him. Then I told him I don't run away from my mistakes." I replied. Ronnie flung himself onto the couch beside me and made a weird grunting noise. "What was that for?"

        "You are so fucking dumb, Ryan." He grumbled at me.

        "Do you know something that I don't, Ronnie?" I asked him.

        "I can't tell you." He said. I threw my hands in the air and strutted off to my bunk. I flung myself  on the bed and groaned. Everyone was keeping something from me and I didn't like it. If it's about me, I should know. If it's about my unborn kid, then I should know. But now there's secrets and shit. I'm so done.

Jacky's P.O.V.

        I'm so done with Ryan. He obviously doesn't feel the same way about me so why should I care? There's more guys out there. I could find someone desperate enough to like me. God I hope so.

        I ended up walking to this small coffee shop and went inside. I order a small coffee and sat down at one of the seats in the small place, my mind going 50 miles an hour. All of the what if's sent me in a bad mood. I didn't even wanna think at that moment.

        "Well, you're a cutie." I heard a masculine voice say. I looked up to see a guy with red hair, greenish eyes, angel bites, septum piercing, and nose ring. He was pretty attractive.

        "Thanks. You too." I told him, quietly.

        "Wanna get out of here?" He asked, seductively licking his top lip and raising his eyebrow.

        "Not really. I'd rather just sit here." I replied.

        "Oh god. He's gonna struggle. I didn't wanna have to do this to a guy this pretty." He said. I noticed no one else but us in the coffee shop. Even the workers were gone. I'm screwed, I thought as he put a cloth over my mouth and everything went black.


Guy in the coffee shop in picture

I'm Insane *Jacy Vincent and Ryan Seaman mpreg*Where stories live. Discover now