I'm Here

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 Chapter dedicated to the person who commented her first name. Next will be for her middle name.

      A scream,then a loud crunching sound. "Goddammit, Jacky. I think you broke my hand." Ryan whimpered once Jacky let go.

        "Oh, well I'm sorry. When this is over you can break my hand and then you can have the baby." Jacky sneered. Contractions just started and Jacky already wanted to shoot himself in the head to end the pain. He hated feeling pain, any kind. Now he had to go through one of the worst pains any human being would ever have to go through and come out alive.

        "Sorry baby." Ryan whispered and kissed Jacky's long hair. Jacky just smiled.

        They got to the hospital and Jacky into his room. As the nurses set him up, the other guys came. Since it was midnight (leave to their baby to want to come while it's night), they all looked pretty ridiculous. Ryan was in a pair of ratty sweat pants and stained tee shirt. Ronnie had his hair in a ponytail and slippers. Derek's hair was everywhere. Ron just looked like shit. But they had to be here. For Jacky.

        A nurse came out and said they could go in and Jacky's contractions were closer together. The boys just nodded and joined the guitarist in his room. Jacky smiled at the guys and sighed. "Hey, guys. Glad you could join us. Pull up a seat." He murmured out, flailing his hand out at them.

        "Hey buddy." Derek whispered. "How ya doin'?"

        "Derek. I'm not dying. You don't have to whisper like I'm gonna start seizing if you talk too loud." Jacky said, rubbing his hand down his face and staring at his friend. Derek nodded. "But to answer you're question, you should probably look at Ryan's broken hand." The guys all chuckled as Ryan grimaced at his bruised hand. "Sorry about that love."

        "It's fine, sweetie." Ryan replied.

        "Guys, I thought we agreed that you wouldn't be cute around us. I'm sorry for not wanting to let out a disturbing manly coo at my friends." Derek complained and they rest of them laughed.

        "So guys, you-" Jacky stopped talking when a contraction hit. Ryan went over to comfort him when the other guys looked like it was the end of the world. Once it was over, Jacky wiped the tears from his eyes and smiled at the rest of them. "Guys, calm down. It was just a contraction."

        "We know." Ron said.

        "We just don't like seeing you in pain." Derek finished. Jacky just smiled.


        They had been waiting an hour as Jacky's contractions got closer and closer. Soon Ron and Derek were passed out in some of the chairs, Ronnie had disappeared to go to the food court, and Ryan hand was finally wrapped up and his other was starting to bruise.

        "Hello, Mr. Vincent." The doctor said as she came into the room. "I'm gonna check if you're ready to go in for the c-section."

        "I hope to god I am." Jacky breathed out, totally exhausted. She smiled at him and nodded her head.

        "I can understand that. I have 3 of my own. Takes a lot out of ya." She told him and disappeared underneath the sheet covering him. It doesn't take her long to come back up and smile at him. "We're ready."


        Jacky was thankful for the sheet covering him from his open stomach. He just breathed in and out as he waited for the cry to be heard. Once he heard the small squeak of a baby start crying, he grinned. The doctors asked for Ryan to cut the umbilical cord and he did. Their baby was finally in the world.


        "Guys." Ryan said, walking into the waiting room, holding a small pink blanket. "I want you to meet someone." The other guys rushed over and immediately started cooing.

        "Oh my god, she's so cute!" "Holy shit, she's pretty." "AWH!" They all said, quite loudly. The little baby just stared at them with huge blue eyes.

        "This is Avery Mavis Seaman." Ryan announced to them and they all cooed, touching her little face. She again stared at them like they were insane.

        "Ryan, she looks just like you. Only she has Jacky's eyes." Ronnie stated and they all nodded. "Absolutely gorgeous."

Avery Mavis Seaman

Born at 1:32 A.M.

6 lbs. 5 ounces

I'm Insane *Jacy Vincent and Ryan Seaman mpreg*Where stories live. Discover now