Ryan's House and Genders

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      "Ryan!" Jacky yelled from the guest bedroom as he tried putting on his tank top. Ryan ran into the room and looked at the British boy. Jacky huffed as he took off the shirt. "It doesn't fit." Jacky whined, tears in his eyes.

        "Oh, Jacky. It's ok. That'll happen. Do you want to borrow one of mine, sweetie?" Ryan cooed. Jacky nodded, wiping his eyes.

        "Do you have any ice cream?" Jacky whispered. Ryan smiled and nodded, leaving the room to come back with a shirt and a tub of ice cream. Jacky gladly took them and smiled.

        "Um, Jacky, I think we should talk about what happened on the bus a couple days ago." Ryan said, shuffling from foot to foot. Jacky nodded as he ate his ice cream. "About me kissing you, I'm sorry. I just, I found out that you liked me and I felt cocky. I was like, 'Wow, this attractive guy finds me attractive. Those kind of things never happen.' and I took advantage of the situation. And I'm sorry because I probably confused you terribly." Ryan rambled out his apology.

        "You're fine." Jacky told him and grinned. Ryan quickly leaned over and kissed Jacky. This wasn't some simple peck but a full on kiss. It took a second for Jacky to come down from his shock and start kissing back. Ryan's smooth lips felt so nice on his own and they just felt so right together. The two boys never wanted anything more in the world than to be with one another. The sparks, the feeling of warmth. Both of them felt it.

        They had to pull back after a while to get a breath, and they smiled. "I never expected that to feel so right." Ryan whispered and Jacky nodded, setting his forehead on Ryan's.

        "Does that mean you're finally gonna be mine?" Jacky asked.

        "Of course." Ryan replied and put their lips together again.


        Jacky was practically bouncing in his seat. Today was the day that they got to find out the gender of the baby. Jacky was set on it being a girl, but Ryan said he thought they were having a little boy. Of course, both of them were gonna be happy with either. "I bet you a whole beautiful date, that it's gonna be a boy." Ryan said.

        "So, if it's a girl, you take me. And if it's a boy, I take you." Jacky stated and nodded. "Seems fair."

        "I forgot to ask, how is your stomach this morning?" Ryan asked. Jacky hadn't had morning sickness for a week, so they were hoping that it was gone finally. But of course, it could always come back.

        Anyhow, they pulled into the doctor's office, having sunglasses and the hoods of their jackets put up so no one would recognize them. They checked in and were taken back almost immediately. They did a run-through on Jacky's health first, concluding that he should probably go on some prenatal vitamins for the remainder of the pregnancy, just to be safe.

        Then they got the ultrasound machine out and the boys smiled at each other. "I'm gonna win." Jacky whispered and Ryan smirked before shaking his head. The doctor saw this and smiled.

        "I'm guessing that you guys have a bet on what the baby is gonna be." The doctor stated and motioned for Jacky to lift up his shirt, well Ryan's shirt. He did and she squirted the gel on his bare skin, smoothing it around with the wand. It took her a few seconds but soon the blob came on the screen and a heart beat filled the air. "There she is." The doctor announced.

        "So, it's a girl." Jacky said, staring at his daughter on the screen. "She's beautiful."

        "Yeah, she really is gorgeous. Specially if she looks just like you." Ryan whispered, kissing Jacky's cheek. They got pictures of their baby and went home.


Comment what you guys think that baby's name should be and what she should look like. Thank you.

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