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2 days more until the blood moon appears or so I was told. "And I'm still stuck in this shit." I mumbled with frustration.

I heaved a sigh of frustration remembering the reason I was here, trapped in a room with no light. It's hard to accept the fact that I cannot even help myself and I have to depend on someone else to save me.

"I wish he was here..."I said softly as I thought of the person who could probably save me from the monster I was forced to be with.

The door creaked open and footsteps sounded as I strained my ears to make out the owner of the sound. "Hey darling." He said with fake happiness as he crouched in front of me and lifted my chin up as I couldn't do it myself.I replied him with silence. Till now I was successful at ignoring him and I would like to continue it. He tightened his grip on me once he realized I wasn't going to reply. I smirked to myself. "How long do you need to accept that you are my mate? I am losing my patience now. Make your decision soon as you have only 2 more days left. Understand it darling that I am doing it for m--our own good." He corrected the sentence, but I caught on what he was going to say. I didn't expect anything else from this selfish dog. "I am going to make you mine on the day of blood moon--"

"So that you have the powers that will help you to be more powerful than anyone" I cut him off and said it bleakly. A girl's got to enjoy the reaction it brings. His grip on my chin jerked with frustration. It wouldn't be soon until he lost it, I could tell that much and decided to be quiet. He got up but did not forget to kiss my temples before he started to leave.

This irked and disgusted me as he did this almost every time he visited. I couldn't keep the rage inside of me and burst all out. "How long do you need to realize and get it into your little dog brain that 'I'M NOT YOUR MATE AND WILL NEVER BE. I DON'T CARE IF I DIE BUT I AM NEVER GOING TO SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE WITH A DOG BRAIN' "I tried to sound valiant but ended up sounding like a croaking frog. He stiffened and said nothing. The quietness terrified me and I thought he was going to torture me some more but surprised me by saying, "I will not fail this time, girl. You don't know how much I have waited for this day. And I will hurt anyone who dares to come between us.

"Just have some rest, darling. You have a surprise waiting for you when you wake up." He said as I felt him going away from me. "Don't forget you are with me now." I couldn't help but think about what he said earlier anyone. These were the last of my thoughts as I fell into the much needed sleep.



Blood Moon-The AcquisitionWhere stories live. Discover now