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"I haven't brushed my teeth, yet."
"No wonder your breath smelled like a posum" He muttered loud enough for me to hear. I didn't mind getting offended because even I knew it was true. I just shrugged my shoulders and got up to go to the bathroom. I stopped when I realized I didn't  know where to go. I turned towards Nicholas to notice him looking at me.

Snapping my fingers in front of his face he shook his head. "Where is the bathroom?" 

"Come on." I followed him through a hallway by which we came down. We entered a room which I recognized from where I woke earlier.

"Thank you." I said as I made my way inside the bathroom.

"There is a spare brush in the cabinet." he hollered as he closed the room door.I mumbled an OK and locked the door. To say I was shocked was an understatement . The word awesome didn't even justify the bathroom. Extravagant fit this bathroom correctly. It was almost twice any normal sized bedroom. There was a ceiling length cabinet, a mirror covering the whole wall and a wash basin below it. The counter was made of black marble which so well polished that it casted my reflection very well. Looking at the mirror I cringed at the way my hair had tangled making it look like weekend's hair.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Walking further into the bathroom, I noticed a large bathtub in the centre. To the side there was a shower which was enclosed with glass on all its side. The whole bathroom was made with black uneven bricks which made it quite attractive. I never thought I would be admiring a bathroom one day.

I removed all my clothes and placed them on the counter. Although I didn't have any extra set of cloth, I couldn't not bath. I stepped into the shower and turned the tap making the water fall on me.

Closing my eyes I thought about the  excuses I would have to  say to my mom when I would reach home. The image of blood didn't leave my mind. I switched off the tap and opened the cabinet containing towels. I was surprised to find sets of dresses below the towels. Quickly drying myself I stepped into one of the dress after wearing my old inners. It was a light blue colored -knee length plain summer dress. It had short sleeves and snugged comfortably to my body.

Opening the door I went out the room and into the hallway. Roaming through the house I entered the kitchen again to find my breakfast on the table. Finishing the breakfast, I went outside the house to search for Nicholas. There was no sound inside the house so it was useless searching for him inside.

Sitting on the porch with a book in his hand, Nicholas was busy dosing off. I decided to tip-toe back inside when he coughed loudly. I turned back to see him in the same position. He coughed again.

"Do you wish to stay here all day or do you want to do something?" He asked finally lifting his head up but still not turning to face me. I sat beside him on the steps matching his stature.

"I just want to know what happened last night."

"Let's go to the lake." He said, rather stated and rose up quickly. He walked ahead confident that I would follow him. And I did. We walked for quite a long time through the woods, me looking around the outgrowth with excited eyes and him walking briskly ahead without acknowledging me.

He stopped suddenly and pushed aside the creepers and revealed a beautiful sight. Although it was a small confined place, a sense of peace lingered in the air. The roots of the trees hanged down lazily going under the water. The sunlight fell on the water, which appeared to be green with the growth of algae. It was a beautiful place to think thoughts through.
I looked towards Nicholas to see him breathing deeply with his eyes closed. I went ahead and sat down breaking the silence.

"Will you now explain what happened yesterday?"

"It is not something you will understand. It is better you leave it."

All the calmness washed out of me and my nose flared as anger surfaced in me.

"Did you forget that all of it happened at my house?"

"Do you take me for a fool?"

"Of course not, your highness." I tried to control my anger and criticized myself for trusting a stranger.

"You are not ready for that now." He said finally facing me and sitting beside me.

"How will I be ready when I don't even know what kind of situation I am in?"

"No you won't." He said calmly further frustrating me. I let out a huff.

"Then tell me!" I was practically begging him at this point. I didn't care if I was becoming annoying by the second but I needed answers. It's not everyday that you find blood in your house. 
" Atleast tell me what happened with Tae-min." I reasoned with him when some time had passed.
"He was wounded."he said calmly never once showing any emotion.
"No shit Sherlock." I muttered and sat silently losing the battle.
It was getting boring as I was usually not accustomed to silence that stretched for a long time. I laid down on the grass and closed my eyes sighing in resignation .
I felt Nicholas doing the same and his arm brushed my head sending  tingles throughout me. This guy might have some serious electric problems. I snorted when I imagined him with electricity buzzing all over him, a creepy smile on his face with a collar round his neck.
I don't know where the collar came from but what I did know was that my back was aching from all the stones that formed ridges into my skin.
I opened my eyes as a scream left my lips. Above me a large- really large- wolf was looking down at me, it's tounge hanging down from its mouth dripping large drops of saliva onto my face. I sat up opposite to it and inched closer to Nicholas.
Hiding behind him I noticed he had a soft composure but a dominating air around him. He seemed to be aqquainted to this wolf as his eyes clouded over. The wolf sat down on its hind legs and looked at me weirdly.
I peeked above nicholas's shoulders to notice it stretching its mouth wierdly, into a wolfish grin.
I stared at it intensely when it suddenly howled making me jump up and land hard on my back. I quickly straighted my skirt before it flashed anything inappropriate to these audience. Embarrassment coursed through me as Nicholas stared down me trying to control his laughter.
The wolf came up to me and licked me hard on the face making it sticky with its saliva. I stared at horror at the beast as it continued to lick me.
I was thankfull to god when Nicholas pried the wolf off of me. He commanded something that was indecipherable but the wolf seemed to understand it.
The wolf backed away a little and curled into a fetal position. Blank was how my mind was when I heard the gruesome voice of bones crunching and all I could think was it was reshaping.
I was confused until the wolf turned into a full grown male. A full grown , stark-naked male.
A male with unbelievably familiar black hair with black eyes. I couldn't see more as my eyes were covered with big hands. I felt Nicholas behind me holding me by the waist while he shouted at the... Creature.
"Don't you have common sense. Can't you go behind a tree to change. Now go find yourself a shorts and be decent when you return ." There was a scowl in his voice but authority laced his words. It made the hairs on my neck stand up and pride course through my heart for some unknown reason .
Soon enough he removed his hands from my face and the creature wasn't present anymore. But that one glance was enough for me to recognize him.
He was the one who my best friend had a crush on, whom I met yesterday night and who unbelievably was in very good condition as opposed to yesterday.
He was Tae-min. And there wasn't a doubt that he was indeed a werewolf.

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