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Expect the unexpected. Whoever spoke these words couldn't be more right. When I ran from the forest that day I didn't think I would return here yet again. Looking up at the dense row of trees ahead of me I took in a deep breath, taking the fresh air in. The sun was hanging a little low casting an orange-ish glow everywhere.

I heard many huffed breath being taken in beside me and turned to notice Joan standing beside a tree her hands on her waist. She opened the cap of the water bottle and took a huge gulp.

"You realize we have walked for only five minutes, right?" I asked her raising an eyebrow in question. We had arrived here soon after I had told Joan all about my encounter with the wolves. Well as soon as calming a hyperventilating Joan would take. And as soon as convincing Julian about our studying plans would take.

We were quite surprised- Joan stopping in mid scream- when Julian entered my room through my bedroom door. We had to stop our conversation in the middle and had to push him out of the house when he stated he had some free time to waste. It seems like this guy does nothing all day and stays idle all the time. But who am I to judge. Even though it was rude, I don't think he would mind. And judging by the way his eyes lit up when he received a call from his girlfriend I don't think he would even remember to hold a grudge against us.

After he went out through the front door, Joan took my bike keys and went out the house. I quickly put on shoes and followed her out. She was waiting by my bike and upon questioning I got to know she planned to go to the forest again to investigate personally.

We had bickered for about 10 minutes straight like two cats clawing each other, all the while standing on the footpath with our volume switched to full. It was a stupid idea going to a forest where I had encountered wild animals which were no doubt meant to harm. But she was quite persistent on going to the forest calling it her inner voice or something like that. She had a feeling going there was important.

I obliged once I was tired of yelling and took the keys from her starting my bike. And voila I now am walking into the forest which might be the worst mistake I have ever done.
After walking for what seemed like 30 minutes I pushed my hand into my jeans pockets to search for my phone. Imagine my shock when I couldn't find my mobile in any of the pockets.
"Joan have you seen my phone?" I asked her my voice growing alarmed.
" Oh yeah. You left it on your bed." She stated coolly continuing her walk forwards. I face palmed myself at my stupidity.
"And what about you?" I asked her already growing afraid of her answer.
" What do you think?" she turned back and smirked at me making me gasp in shock.
"Don't tell me you also left it at my house."
My face must have resembled that of a ghost from thinking about all the things that might happen to us in which we might not be able to get any help.
"Come on Neraya. It's not like we are going to get any signal in the middle of a forest. Don't worry I won't let anything happen to you." She said while winking at me.
"Is that supposed to calm me?"
"You over think so much. Let it go man. I have lived here long enough to know that there is nothing worth dying in this forest. I come here every chance I get. So just calm the hell down."
"If something is to happen I'm blaming it on you." I tried to joke a little but it failed as I got her evil eye . "Say, you come here often, you jog every morning, then how come you have got such a low stamina?"I asked her as we turned around a large tree to notice a path taking us further in.
She just huffed in irritation and walked ahead. Soon we came to a dead end.
There was fence lining round all the trees obstructing our view of what lay behind the fence.
Going up to the fence I tried to rattle the chains hoping it was rusted so that it would break. To my amusement it was recently changed as the chain was sparkling as if it was brand new. Someone must have come up here to change it. I looked at Joan to find her looking for something. She picked up a large rock and bounded up to where I was standing.
" Just hold the chain still for me." I did as asked and held the chain as she got ready to strike it.
"One... Two. ..three..." she muttered as she striked at the chain. "Bloody son of a blasted mofo chain." She cursed out loud as she jumped back ,the stone falling from her hand. She clutched her right wrist to her heart as she breathed into it slowly.
"What happened?"I asked with alarm as I bent down to pick up the stone. To my astonishment the stone was now in broken into many pieces. She noticed this too as her eyes widened and looked towards the chain which was as spotless as it was before. Not even a single scratch was visible on it.
"How...." I whispered as I went near the chain to rattle it again. Before I could touch the chain a hand took hold of my wrists and turned me towards it.
"Don't touch it. It is electric. When I struck it with the stone, it gave out electric shocks numbing my hand for a second." She warned me casting unsure glances towards the chain.
I gave the fence one more look trying to look through its holes to end up finding nothing.
I made my mind to return for now as the sun started to set completely into the horizon. We had a good 15 minutes till darkness engulfed the forest.
"We should go. It's getting late. If not wolves we will surely meet some ghosts over here!" Joan exclaimed as she turned around to walk the way back out of the forest.
Silence fell upon us as we both were thinking about the events that occurred with us in the whole day.
Although I was glad we didn't stumble upon any wolf, for some reason all I could think about was that particular wolf.
The wolf that had a fur coat resembling a velvety flower, the dark navy colour making it look majestic and powerful, the eyes that held intelligence of the level which was beyond those of any human, those sharp claws that could cut deep on anything intolerable , those hard muscles which were built to destroy, the sharp - razor like- teeth which could tear upto many layers of meat easily, and the height towering over any average human was enough to scare any adult to have constant nightmares.
For some reason, chills creeped up my spine upon thinking about the wolf.
I wondered what it would feel like to touch that majestic beast- no- mythical, spine chilling creature.

I stopped in my tracks when I realized what I had been thinking about. I was fantasising about a wild creature. An inhuman creature. Was it even normal to think like that.
What is it called when you think about an animal in that way.

I didn't have the courage to complete the thought as it would declare that I was crazy!!
I scolded myself as I distracted myself by thinking about something else. Like the reason why I was now fidgeting with my fingers anxiety clouding over me and wrapping it's sharp claws around my heart.
I remembered my grandma's words from the past in my mind like it was yesterday. The words which were the main source of my fear.
The picture of that particular wolf again flashed before my eyes as I thought about her last sentence.
If I hadn't been close to my grandma I would have shrugged away her rant. If I wasn't a puzzled 11 year old I would have thrown away those words from my memory. If I didn't know the weight of her words I would have been able to roam during the night freely.
It was the knowledge and experience my grandma weiled that made me belive her. It was the fact that she always chose the right moment to speak that made me realize her worth. And it was the fact that her sudden disappearance a year later that made me remember these words again.
I involuntary shivered and tried to clear my mind as we now were nearing the place where I parked my bike.
Silence still ensued us as I opened up my front door and went into the kitchen to drink some water.
It was when Joan came up beside me and hydrated herself was when our eyes made contact and we said the next thing on the same time.
"What the hell had happened!!"


I got up from my bed and into a sitting position while rubbing my eyes. Looking at the alarm clock on the nightstand, I noticed it was 2:00 a.m. and slumped back into my bed to go back to sleep when a heavy thud sounded from my living room.

I switched on the lights of living room and my eyes immediately grew wide in horror. Reaching down I glided my finger along the floor to feel a wet and warm substance.
Blood trickled down my finger as I stared at it with fear gripping my heart. I scanned my living room to find splotches of blood tainting furnitures here and there.
Quickly hurrying through the stairs, I opened the first door I reached to find my mom sleeping peacefully on her bed snoring softly.
I closed the door and walked ahead to the guest room. Joan too was sleeping soundly.
They must be really deep sleepers to to not hear the banging.
I went to my room after searching the whole house for something that might explain the current situation.
A gust of cold air fanned my face as I shuddered from the sudden change in the temperature. Looking down from my window, I noticed something that made me run down the stairs and into my backyard.

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