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After that day, Joan and I became pretty close. I introduced her to Julian who kind of became my brother.We three hang out all the time when Joan comes to my house.

I got to know that Joan is a down to earth person. She likes to be free, like me. While Julian is an easy guy to talk to. He is a great listener and all but I get a little suspicious when he dodges all the questions about his past or background.Joan didn't notice it so I let it slide.

Joan's mom was the cool type and was just like her daughter. or should I say Joan was like her mother. Anyway, her mother, Anika was also talkative but sweet. One day we went to Joan's house for a movie night. 


Anika welcomed us all with a kiss on the cheek  and a gentle smile on her face as we entered Joan's house.I usually don't like it but I thought better of it. Once she saw Julian she started cooing like he was a baby and was pinching his cheeks until it was red. Julian facial expression was worth it. He looked extremely uncomfortable. Me and Joan were laughing our heads off behind Anika until we thought of freeing Julian. We soon went to her bedroom where Joan apologized to Julian about her mother.

"It's okay." Julian said while looking at a quiet Joan. He turned towards me with an eyebrow raised. I just shrugged. It was weird as she was quiet. 

" My mom has always been like this since the time my older brother had died from an accident. He was Julian's age when he died. So whenever she sees someone his age she starts treating him like she used to." She said as we all sat on her bed. Joan was on the verge of crying but she held herself in. It was not a nice sight as I was used to a happy Joan who always had a smile on her face.

 Julian understood the situation and hugged her whispering sweet nothings into her ear. Soon I joined the hug. She showed her childhood photos to us with her brother in it. There was pure love in her eyes. I guess it was the moment when we grew close. We all shared our sad memories and I was shocked to find something in common between we three. One of the people we loved died. Julian's girlfriend of 4 years died last year. He said he moved on but there was something in those eyes that  told the other thing. I shared my memories. The death of my father. 

I guess we all forgot that we had to watch movie as we were all so engrossed in talking. We didn't notice it at all until one of us took out our phone to check the time. We decided to return to our houses as it was already 9 pm and we had school tomorrow. I smiled and waved bye to Joan and Anika while standing on the porch. I glanced sideways at Julian who had a gentle smile on his face.

I sat in the passenger seat of Julian's car as he started driving towards our houses.

Flashback Ends


The next few days passed quickly and soon it was Sunday. I came out of my room after showering and doing my morning routine. While coming down the stairs I heard noises from the kitchen and sure enough mom was cooking breakfast. She smiled at me as I walked to the fridge and opened it. I smiled in return and sat in the chair with orange juice in my hand.

"How do you like it here?Are you comfortable?" she asked me.

"Yes mom. It is a nice change than the previous house. There was a lot of memories over there that I was starting to suffocate." i said the last part in quiet voice. If she heard it she didn't reply.

"You are getting along great with Julian and Joan, I see."

"Yeah. They are great." and so I started telling her everything that happened with me this week.

After we finished our breakfast we went to the living room and sat on the couch. My mom switched the T.V. on. While flipping through the channels we saw something interesting on the news.

"There are many cases of wolf sightings in the woods of the west side of Maresilvis. And today we found a dead wolf in the edge of the woods. It was bigger than the average size of a wolf. According to some researchers there was nothing out of ordinary in the wolf except for the size but they didn't want to take any chances so they resorted to taking some tests on it the next day. But the body went missing. We would like to advice the people in the west side to be a little safe as we still don't know anything about this creature..." said the host but I couldn't hear the rest of the news as the channel was changed by mom to some other.

I wanted to snatch the remote from mom's hand and change the channel. But I controlled myself as I didn't want my mom becoming suspicious. I would deal with it later. I thought to myself as I stared at the screen. But all I could think about was the news.


I was always interested in wolves. That was why I was currently riding on my bike to the woods. I was getting restless by sitting at home and doing nothing. All my home work from school was done. When I couldn't take it anymore I went out of my house and towards my bike while telling my mom that I was going out. I got off my bike when I reached there. I kept the helmet on my bike and locked it. I started walking towards the woods when I heard a howl. A wolf's howl to be precise. I went deeper into the woods and followed the howl not even caring if it would be dangerous. Soon I entered a part of woods where I could hear the wolfs more clearly. Their growls echoed throughout the woods. I immediately dived behind a bush. I admit it, I was a little afraid but I tried to push it down.They were definitely not normal wolves. We could tell that by just looking at their size.

They were at least 5 feet big and more than 10 wolves. I shifted my weight as I was getting a little uncomfortable by being in a weird position when I heard a twig snap. The twig that was under my feet which blew my hideout. Slowly all the wolf heads turned towards me. I gulped in nervousness.

"Hey.." I said my voice cracking a bit. stupid . What are you doing? These are wolves not humans that you are greeting it. Run now. said my mind. I knew it was not good to turn you back to wild animals and especially to run.

They started to growl. But the one which was a little dirty and smelled diagusting growled louder. It had pure hunger in its eyes. I quickly moved my eyes to look at other wolves. They were beautiful. with silky fur and....Stop you gotta escape Neraya. What are you thinking.

"I guess I in-interrupted something. Sor-ry. I-I think I should re-return now..." i said as i started moving backwards. It was then that the wolf started towards me. I panicked and turned around exposing my back towards it. A big mistake. I didn't think twice and started running. I heard paws running behind me. I turned my head backwards to look which wasn't a good option as I was soon tackled to the ground. I yelped as claws hit my arms and turned my face to look upwards at the wolf. It growled and started towards my neck but before it could snap my neck another wolf tackled the wolf that was on top of me, to the ground with a growl that sent a shiver down my spine. All the wolves went rigid and some which weren't stinking bowed in submission.I was shocked. I turned towards them and saw the bad wolf dead.

The good wolf looked at me and I noticed its eyes were black. I couldn't look away from it. I wanted to run my hands through its  black fur. It easily towered over other wolves as it was near 6 feet. Though its eyes were black there was something behind it that attracted me towards it. It started to take a step towards me when many growls sounded. I turned around and noticed.....


A / n

Hey! I'm back. This chapter is dedicated to my friend Abigail. It's her birthday!!

The good wolf's pic is on the side.... Enjoy the song. 

I hope and wish to make the updates quicker as my vacations are starting. But please, don't be a GHOST reader. Just click the vote button or leave your comments. And I apologize for the typos. Anyways, ENJOY!!!!!

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