• Chapter 2 •

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It is quarter to 4 right now and mom still isn't home. She called up a little after 1 o'clock, saying she would be a little late as she is visiting her old friend. At 2 I started getting hungry. I decided to cook something simple for myself even though I didn't know the C of cooking. What is internet for? or so I thought. With this in mind I looked up recipe for some dishes. I chose the one that sounded easier to me. Well, not so much. After collecting all the ingredients I started preparing the dish, little did I know I would burn the whole dish. Soon after Julian came barging inside the kitchen from the back door and started coughing from the smoke.

"What is happening?" he asked in panic.

"Nothing, I was just trying to cook something and it burnt." I said with a pouty expression. His face remained blank as if searching for something in my face.

"Hahahahahah..." he started laughing maniacally.

"Why are you laughing?" I said feigning an expression of hurt.

"Your face- it was- so cute." He said in between his laughs.

"Can you stop laughing and help me clean this." His face turned serious when I snapped but soon he started laughing again. I think he might have been frightened by the death glare that I was giving as he was soon helping me drive the smoke out.

"Can you tell me again how this smoke started ,it's hard to believe." He asked for the millionth time trying to control his laughter. I am sure he isn't the one to control his feelings as he soon was doubling over.

"Can you just stop laughing it's irritating me. And if you want to laugh then get out of my house." I said as I pointed towards the door and fixed him with a glare.

"OK. OK. I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Let me cook something for you if you are that hungry." Now that all his laughter was gone I thought he was serious.

"Do you know how to cook?" I asked with a blank face.

"Of course then why would I make that offer?"



"Thank you soo much. May god bless you! I am so happy-" I started babbling but was cut off by him.

"Do you want me to cook or not?"

"Oh yeah" I answered sheepishly.He moved towards the counter and opened the windows fully so that all the smoke was sucked out of it.He then proceeded to cook. I must have a weird grin on my face by the looks I was getting from him.

"What? Hunger does this to me." I said while looking away from him.

"How did you know that something was wrong here?" I asked him curiously as  I knew there was no chance of him sensing the smoke from the next house. Even my windows were partially opened, letting out little smoke to the outside.

"I just smelt something burning and I came running when I realized it was from your house."

"Oh thanks for saving me." Although there wasn't much smoke here, I let the thing that he could smell it all the way from his house, slide. Maybe I was just being delusional.

"You wouldn't have died in that amount of smoke."

"Whatever. A smoke is a smoke."


After about half an hour, Julian was finished with cooking.

"What are you going to do now?" he asked. We came into the living room and settled on the couch after finishing our lunch.

"Want to watch a movie with me?"


We decided upon a serial as no interesting movie was running right now. We started talking about our childhood in between the adds. I got to know that he was my childhood summer friend that I had when I was around 5 when his family had stayed in the neighboring house. We became good friends over time and played together. But one day all of a sudden he disappeared and soon I forgot about my summer friend. Although the memory was faint I still remember him. We stopped talking as soon as we heard the lines :

Richard castle:"There are two kinds of folks who sit around thinking about how to kill people: psychopaths and mystery writers. I'm the kind that pays better. Who am I? I'm Rick Castle. Castle. Castle. I really am ruggedly handsome, aren't I? Every writer needs inspiration,. and I've found mine."

Detective Kate Beckett Beckett. Beckett. Nikki Heat?

Martha Rodgers: "The character he's basing on you!"
Richard Castle: "And thanks to my friendship with the mayor, I get to be on her case. I'd be happy to let you spank me.

And together, we catch killers. We make a pretty good team, you know? Like Starsky and Hutch; Turner and Hooch!"
Kate Beckett: "You do remind me a little of Hooch"

Words couldn't express how much I love this serial. We were watching the reruns of castle and I couldn't help but mouth the lines with it. It seems that Julian too watches the serial as I caught him mouthing the lines in between. Of Kate Beckett.

Funny, right?


It was around seven when mom finally decided to show up. Julian had long gone to his home when mom came inside the house.

"Hey darling. What are you doing?" she asked while entering the kitchen. Good to know that she still cared about my stomach.

"Nothing, mom. Just sorting some things out that are needed for the school tomorrow."

I went to the kitchen after a while when I couldn't control my hunger.

"Just a minute . The food will be ready soon. Go set the table till then."

I sat on the chair after I finished setting up the table. Mom kept the tomato tarts on the table and sat down in a chair across from me. I started eating and spilled out the events of the day like I do every time we eat dinner. She kept nodding along without saying a word.

"Mom, are you even listening?" I asked when I was sure she wasn't listening.

"Huh." She said in surprise like she didn't realize she was staring into space. "Yeah, I'm listening. I'm just a little tired. I am going to sleep." She got up and went to her bedroom. The accident has sure changed her. I thought while staring at my plate.

A lot.

After cleaning the dishes, I made my way to my bedroom, ready to take a shower and get ready for bed. I just hope that staring at ceiling won't get boring while trying to sleep. I am looking forward to what tomorrow has for me. Maybe I'll get new friends and get to start over unlike my last time here. Maybe there will be some people like Julian. Maybe.......

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