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Walking through the hallway I came to a stop and pushed the door open to enter the room I woke in. A gust of wind swished my face reminding me of the reality. I was overwhelmed with the truth that was uncovered. It was exciting but fearful at the same time. I didn't know what it was, but I couldn't quite place Nicholas as a beast ready to tear everything apart. I turned around to notice him standing in the doorway looking at me, zoned out.

"How long?" I asked him as he walked up to me and sat on the windowsill.    " How long has your kind lived alongside us?"

"For as long as humans have." He replied curtly.
" And they weren't discovered once? "
"They were but we made sure they didn't remember it. And humans are not that intelligent to find us by themselves. They either think they are hallucinating or they have gone mad. Only special ones like you live among them with knowledge about them. "

"How old are you." this was the question that was quite scratching at my mind since I got to know about them. Either he could be the same age as me or he could be many times my age.

"Same as you." I let out a relieved breath for some unknown reason and relaxed my facial muscles which were quite tense.

"There must have been a point of time when humans  knew about the supernaturals and lived among them, right? "

"Yes you are right but we made them forget about us as they were not exactly fond of us. They didn't like being the only weaker species." He rolled his eyes at the last statement. For some reason the word human coming from his mouth seemed strange.


 The rest of the evening was spent in him making me understand about the supernaturals. There were many others along with the werewolves,  Vampires, witches and so on. At a point it was more like a too-good-to-be-true moment when I learnt even mermaids were real.

When the sun started to set I knew it was time I returned home.Bidding goodbye to Nicholas I made my way into the house noticing the lights were on. I hoped my mom wasn't present in the house right now,  I am in no mood to explain myself to her not like I could.

I opened the front door after Nicholas drove out of my driveway and towards his house. I couldn't help it but think again about the place his home was in. It was about half an hour away from here deep into the woods I had once visited.  I hadn't noticed it then but now it had a path that was camouflaged intelligently.
I flinched when I found my mother sitting on the dining table with her head in her hands. I could see the table was wet from her tears which were continuously flowing.
I stood beside her and touched her shoulder.  She jerked her head up and embraced me tightly rambling on.  I was surprised by her reaction. Even though I knew she was my mother I didn't know she worried about me the same as she did before dad died. I guess some things never change.
The next moment she pulled away and checked me for any wounds from some unknown source. "Mom I'm OK. Nothing happened to me. " she remained silent. So I asked her a question that had been on mind from the morning. " Where is Joan? " I asked her.
" She went to her home.  We thought you went outside to walk for sometime so we didn't worry.  Her mom needed her home for some work.  Don't worry I didn't tell her anything. Mind explaining me where you were? "
She asked me with an eyebrow pulled up. To say I was surprised was an understatement. I've never seen her so calm after the type of stunt I pulled. No words came out of me as I couldn't comprehend what to say.
She sighed and sat down on the table chair while gesturing me to sit down too. "It's going to be a long night grab yourself a drink."she said.
I poured orange juice for both of us and sat down again.
"so...  I guess you know the truth?"
She said it more like a question, which left me perplexed.
" What truth? "
"About supernaturals." she drawled it slowly as if she was unsure about telling it to me.
Silence followed for about 5 minutes as I was contemplating whether to tell her or not. If she didn't know about them then why would she talk about it. It couldn't be some prank but I decided to test it out.
"You are kidding right? "
"No" she said precisely. " Now,  I know you know about them.  And even if you do not it's time. " resolution flooded her face as she pulled her head up and stared at me asking if I wanted to back down.  I was too far focused into staring her back to refuse now.  It's not like I had a choice, I already knew about them.
"Where do you want to start? "
"First I want to tell you about my day and to answer you previous question." When she nodded her head I took that as my cue to continue.        " Yesterday night I woke up to loud bangings coming from the living room. When I went to check up I noticed blood on the floor,  it was warm, still fresh.I found someone in my backyard battered up and badly wounded. Running behind him, I followed him to the main road and into the woods. He turned out to be a friend of mine from the school. Fast forward I woke up today in a boy's house who then took me to a clearing where I was introduced to a were-wolf. " I waited for some reaction from her but she wore a blank face, taking it all in.
"Was he a werewolf. The one that took you to a clearing? "
"Yes. " A slightly panicky look flashed on her face.
" Did anyone of them tell you anything else about werewolves? Did they harm you? "
" No mom quite the opposite actually. They treated me well. They told me some normal stuff about werewolves and their heightened senses. He said something about them having a predestined mate? The friend that I followed yesterday night,  Tae-min has a mate, and she is Joanna. " a smile formed on my face as I remembered the dreamy look on Tae's face when he was talking about her.
"That's great! " she looked genuinely happy.
"And what about you? "
"What about me? I am a human right? "I asked perplexed by her question.
"Umm... Yeah you are but partially. "
" What do you mean partially? " by now I was starting to panic.
"You See,  you are part witch." she searched for something in my eyes but couldn't find anything. Even I was confused whether I should be relieved or be shocked.  Relieved because I didn't end up being a vampire or were-wolf, I couldn't have handled the gore and blood-thirst. Shocked because, come on it's not everyday you find you are one of the supernaturals.
" But I don't know any magic? " even though my answer sounded childish it was the only thing that made sense to me.
"A witch is not a magician. They know spells. There are two kinds-"
"The good and the bad? " I offered but nothing could have made her more angry.
"Both are of a good kind. "
"That's a nice twist. " her solid glare was enough to put me in place.
"The first born witches were both cousins,  though their lineages were different. They were not related,  but since they both were the only child in their family they grew close. They were one of the most priveledged families on earth at that time, The Royals. It was said that the goddess herself had gifted them the power of wielding magic to balance the unrest among the supernaturals.
The werewolves and vampires along with other beasts were said to be rogue and only cared about their packs and covens. So the Royals were told to stop them. One of the sister was the only Royal to be gifted. When she encountered a rogue wolf for the first time was when she performed the first ever spell on the earth.  She chanted the spells which were whispered to her by the goddess herself. It was so powerful that it wiped out the rogue supernaturals present in the 10 mile radius and left the entire population in a coma. It lead to widespread protest as the one were-wolf which was supposed to attack the girl was an important wolf -The Alpha." she stopped herself to take a deep breath. I remembered the picture I saw from that book days ago of a woman and a wolf and connected them to the story mom said. So, all the stuff the book said was indeed true. " All the supernaturals were on one side where as it was the humans on the other with only one witch. That was one of the most gruesome war ever in the history which might have lead to human extinction if it wasn't for The Royals to flee at last minute leaving the witch back alone. She was so betrayed and hurt that she started attacking on everyone even the humans and in the end sacrificed herself in her own flames. Realizing her mistake which had led the situation to become more worse,  the goddess tried to set things right by giving the other sister powers but this time for the revival. This witch was to set things straight to make the supernaturals form a council and live peacefully. She was gifted with compulsion which could overpower the one that the vampires weilded. She was successful as soon a council was formed with each supernatural representing their population. Everyone agreed to forget what happened and placed the past before them but werewolves. They swore revenge on the first witch for killing their families. They brushed it off as they thought they would soon forget it as the witch was dead. The sister was to give back her compulsion and in return she was promised protection from all the council members. No one knew what would happen in the future. Although no one mentioned it, they hadn't forgotten about their past and neither had they forgiven. Soon,  it was found that the witch's son was alive who was born due to her affair. The father was instantly killed by the werewolves but the son was never found as he was bound by a powerful spell. Every child born in that family is misted and protected by a spell which lasts until they turn 40. And hence every child born in that family dies some time after he/she has a child ensuring that the bloodline is not destroyed. This is where we come in. The son of the witch is your great-great-great-great-and so on-grandfather. And you are the descendant of the witch. And your father... " she was a little hesitant but she blew a breath and continued, "died because of the curse, in the hands of a werewolf. "
Crying was something that comes to me easily. Sitting on my roof, I processed everything that happened to me in the past month.
I moved here again, though not happy but not sad either. I found new friends, and a whole lot of new secrets too. Secrets that threatened my life. Secrets that ruined my life and my father's.
I pushed away from Julian and wiped my face clean. He had been by my side for a good hour and didn't say anything. He just sat there offering me a warm hug. He had noticed me when he looked outside his window. And the next second he was by my side. No questions were asked and none answered. No words were needed as silence was my solace.
I sobbed again when I saw myself playing tag with my father in this same house. It was hard. It is hard. No one can ever possibly forget or get over the pain of losing someone. It always stays there, like a black hole which promises nothing but darkness,  sadness. 
"My father..." I started when I was a little calmed down. I felt that he should know it but it was more to share my pain. I didn't want to be immersed in the pain. "he didn't die in an accident, he...  was mur-murdered. " I whispered weakly as I sobbed into his chest louder. He just rubbed his hands up and down on my arm comforting me. I'm glad he didn't apologize as it only aggravates me more.
I couldn't say I hated Nicholas and his kind for what they did,  but I couldn't say I was happy either. I couldn't blame him for what others did. And for some reason I can't stay mad at him.
"He was attacked by a werewolf right?"To say I was shocked was an understatement. "Yes,  I know about them. I might've saw the picture of your dad's death in your diary. "he said sheepishly.
"How do you know about them? " I asked him in a low tone.
"Because I'm one. "he said slowly testing his waters. " Not one of them,  no.  I'm... a... Vampire. "
"WHAT? " I scooted away from him as I shaked my head in disbelief. "You're kidding."
" Why would I?  You want proof?"
Although it was scary,  I nodded my head. He opened his mouth and snarled like a wild cat. That's when his teeth elongated to become a fang. He bit himself at his wrist and showed it to me and all I saw was a wound closing itself up.
I let out a shocked gasp as I scooted back a little more as I reached the edge.
"Don't be afraid,  please. "he pleaded to me. There was an innocence and longing in his eyes that I couldn't help but consider.
This guy has been nothing but sweet to me, he could've sucked my blood any time he was alone with me but he didn't.
I released  a sigh and smiled slowly showing him my reassurance. I climbed into my room and gestured him to do too.
"Why did you tell me?  You could've kept it a secret." sitting on the bed I patted the space beside me.  Being with a were-wolf whole day I was kind of calm with the whole situation.
"Well,  being a vampire you have heightened senses. With it comes the whole package of amplified smell, sight, hearing. We can smell someone and identify them. Everyone has a scent,  it's more diversified among werewolves but to be basic, humans have a different scent, weres have one, vampires have one, witches have one respectively. You have a scent of a human and a witch. Not exactly a mixture like most children of parent from each, but a certain smell distinct to a certain Royal." he looked at me sideways with an indifferent look.
" Doesn't the smell of humans intoxicate you?  Don't you feel like sucking my blood right now? " it was a little  awkward but it was floating around in my head since he revealed himself.
"Not that much.  There is a constant nagging at the back of my mind but we usually tone it down by drinking from a bag. "he replied a little bit uneasy.
" Don't you guys hunt? "
"No it's illegal. Can we not talk about it right now. I'll explain it to you another time. " I had many questions to ask him but I respected his wishes.
"You have to be careful now that you are aware about your surroundings. You must not speak about anything to anyone. "
"Promise. " placing my hand over my heart I sealed it.  "Oh I almost forgot,  you know what? Joan found her mate. She doesn't know but I do. " I told him eagerly haply for her.
" Who? " he asked cautiously.
"Tae-min, he is a werewolf. " All the happiness went into drain as I saw his fangs elongate and a hiss sound throughout the room. Chills creeped up my spine and he relaxed immediately. He looked at me guilty but didn't not hold himself back in expressing his distaste.
" We may have called a truce but we aren't exactly a fan of each other. " He explained.
My bedroom door opened and my mom entered the room. Till now she had given me space to think things through and I was grateful to her. She was smiling fondly at me but the smile vanished the minute she noticed Julian beside me.
"Should I be worried about my daughter being with the neighbor who happens to be a boy or my daughter being with a vampire. " He immediately straightened up and smelt the air and takes a little whiff .
" A human. "
" Listen here young man, my daughter may trust you but I do not.  First perform the bond spell and then go near her. "she stated as she crossed her arms.
He stood from the bed and bowed a little before sitting down fully on his knees and his ankles. He bowed his head down and my mom touched his head. She said some words in Latin and Julian repeated the same. When it ended,  he stood up and took a cutter from my desk and cut his palm and placed it on my hand,  it feeling hot on my cold skin. My mom placed her hand on ours and said some finishing words which ended with a shock going throughout our bodies.
" Now you are bound to our family. If you ever betray us you will be punished by our ancestors. "
"I won't ma'am. " he told her respectfully and turned to hug me.
"You alright? " he asked me concerned and I nodded.
"Come on now, I came up to call you down to dinner. You can also join us Julian but we don't have any blood bags. "she smirked at him as he rolled his eyes.

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