chapter 10

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"Ahhhh" I  groaned as I tried to soothe my aching back.
"How did you fall?" He asked concern etched in his voice.
"Werewolf" I  muttered to Julian.
"What?" He screeched, disbelief seeping through his mouth.
"Just help me. Dammit." I groaned as he pulled me up. I placed a hand on my back and twisted back a certain degrees to hear a satisfying pop.
I heaved a sigh of relief although Julian was still cautious. " How did you end up here so fast. You were working in the kitchen right?" I asked him as I made my way to the dinning table.
" I was just coming to call you down and you...fell down." He said while keeping a hand on his mouth to stop from laughing. I whacked him upside on the head and sat down on one of the chairs.
He kept my plate in front of me and sat down to eat.
" You said something about werewolves." He said while cutting himself a piece of the pizza.
" Umm.. nothing I was just researching on them."
" Ohh. Fine."
An awkward silence spreaded throughout the room. My mind was occupied with test that I had the Tomorrow.
I decided to break the silence as it was getting overbearing.
" What are you doing after this?"
" Watching some movies on Netflix and chill." He winked at me at which I rolled my eyes.
" Can you help me with algebra? I'm getting a hard time understanding the formulas."

"Yeah, why not." we quickly finished our dinner and I washed my plates. I went up to my room and took my textbook. I climbed down my stairs to hear Julian talking to someone.

"I'll call you later, love you." He ended the call and smiled at me. It must have been Sarah on the phone. I recently got to know that he had a girlfriend who lived 2 hours from here. She was really sweet. Julian introduced me once when he had called her on skype. She was a small,petite girl with red hair and green eyes. They both were in a strong relationship. They must have been dating for 3 years.

I  sat down on the couch beside him and placed the book on the table in front of me.


"Hey! ready for the test?" Joanna asked me as we entered the school.

"Yeah. Julian helped me understand it  until 10."

"That is cool. Guess what? Tae min asked for my phone number the other day so I gave him. I was waiting for his message the whole day and he pinged me at 8. We continued texting until after midnight. he is really sweet and ---"  

"Hey." Tae-min came up beside Joan with a smile on his face. Instantly Joan brightened up and catsed a look towards me before continuing the conversation. They walked up ahead and I stopped beside my locker. Opening it I took out all the necessary books and went on my way to the class.

Opening up the door to the classroom I went up to my seat and placed  earphones inside my ears. I was looking through my facebook feed and saw a photo of Ted with Candice. Looks like someone is happy! At least we patched up otherwise it would have been too awkward. The class quieted down when the teacher entered the room. 

"Today we have something to work on, class." Everyone in the class groaned. I dindnt know this teacher quiet nicely as she might have joined the school after I had left. "Yes, we are doing group assignments. Everyone find your own partner." She waved a hand at the class which immediately scrambled to pair up. I sat there with eyes wide with the commotion around me running in fast forward. There were people shouting from one corner to other. There were people who took their chairs all the way to their friend's bench to pair and there were people like me who just sat in their places quietly waiting for the partner to show up. The teacher didn't seem to mind as she sat on her chair behind her desk looking through her phone.

After a couple of minutes had passed someone came up to my desk which made my eyes go wide. I dint expect him of all the people to be interested in working with me. "Jake?" I said in disbelief. 

"Yeah me newbie.Come on move a little." He replied with a smirk.

"Everyone, if you are finished catching yourself a partner, come here and get your packets." She shouted  slapping a handful of packets on the desk. Jake went up to the teacher and took the packet that she handed him.

Opening the packet I noticed we had to write about 8-10 pages on the  top ten weird rituals around the world. There were some questions on a paper that we had to solve and submit before we handed our project. We had about a week's time, which was more than enough.

"So where did you shift from?" He asked looking into the manual and the instructions.

"Cut it out Jake. I know you know who I am. Dont act like you dont." I hissed at him. He looked at me sharply and replied.

"Just shut up. I am trying to be nice to you. I am thinking to start new with everyone, including you. I know I was an ass before but I want to change. So just shut up and cooperate with me." He replied in a no-nonsense tone all the while forcing a smile on his face. "Bloody counsellors. Trying to make us look good." He muttered. I shrugged away not really caring what that might have meant.

An awkward silence fell on us as we continued our work. As soon as the bell rang I got up from my seat ready to go out when he called me again.

"You have a free period tomorrow right?" I nodded my head in response. " let's complete it then." He informed me and walked ahead of me to get out of the classroom.
I followed him out of the classroom and found Joan in the hallway. We both walked to our classroom and sat on our seats.
"Is today's plan still on?" She asked me. We had decided to meet up at my place to hang out today as it would be empty, like always.
" Of course ."


"COMING." I shouted when the bell rang at 3:50 . I opened it to find a smiling Joan who let herself in without wasting any time. I closed the door behind me as we made our way to my room.
Sitting on our bed we chatted for what seemed like hours on the topic that was on her mind a lot lately, Tae.
She was getting serious with this guy at the rate her liking towards him started growing day by day.
According to Joan they talk almost everyday and on almost every topic possible. On the course of only couple of days they know about the other more than they know them self.  I listened to her rant about the recent video game that she was playing when I wanted to pee.
I excused myself and went into the bathroom to relieve myself. Flushing the toilet, I opened the bathroom door to notice her looking around my room. When she neared my desk she slowed down as she scrutinised the books. She was a book freak like me. She picked the book about myths and sent a questioning look at me while sitting on my bed. I just shrugged and nudged her to read the whole book.

"A true "werewolf", according to most legends, is a human being that uncontrollably transforms into a wolf during a full moon. The transformed a Shapeshifter Wolf into a Werewolf, effectively taking away the ability to control the shift but also taking...."

She trailed off reading the rest in her mind. She looked up with wide eyes when she was done.
"What in the seven hell is this?" She exclaimed as she flipped the pages to read some more articles until she was satisfied and closed the book with both her hands.
"Oh my god! Do you know what this means?" She asked me with a slight reluctance in her tone.
"Although I'm doubtfull I don't know if it's fully truth. After all  it's a myth."
"Girl, being an Indian may or may not make  me believe all the Myths.And trust me when I say there are many myths that you cannot even keep a track of."
"So what are you trying to say?"
"First tell me why were you doubtful about it being true?"

Hey guys!
Enjoy reading and the song above^.
Thanks for reading☺.

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